Transport Tenders
Transport Tenders
Etela Karjalan Sosiaali Ja Terveyspiiri Tender
Details: Contract notice: Unhurried passenger and certain goods shipment to customers (dps) The error request requests to participate in the dynamic purchasing system. The object of the purchase is to transport the customers~~ unhurried passenger transport with the service provider~~s vehicles for the following types of transport: a. Frequently recurring transportations are carried out by a separately competitive brokerage company. Information on the use of the equipment or application and the costs incurred by the service provider for the service provider will be provided to the drivers in the first call for tenders for internal tendering. The object of the acquisition is described in the annexes to the service description and the draft contract. Requests for participation will be requested on february 14, 2016 at 12:00. The first call for tenders for a dynamic purchasing system will be sent immediately after the start-up phase to approved system vendors, approximately 11 march 2019 (see section 1. 2 of the service description). Place of performance South karelia (fi1c5) The languages in which tenders or requests to participate can be submitted: Finnish
Closing Date31 Jan 2030
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Lancashire County Council Tender
United Kingdom
Description: Provision Of Passenger Transport Services — Dynamic Purchasing System
Closing Date30 Jun 2029
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Bardu Kommune Tender
Details: Announcement of competition: substitute services for bardu municipality - dynamic purchasing system new suppliers are welcome to participate. see the tender documents part i, ii and iii.Bardu municipality issued a dynamic procurement scheme for temporary agency services in november 2018. the call was published as a regular announcement, which closed the possibility for new suppliers to apply for the solution along the way. the solution is therefore illuminated in a new and correct way. as of december 18, 2016, 9 suppliers have applied for the solution, and they are approved. these will be taken into the solution automatically and do not need to submit a new application in this call. Substitute services for bardu municipality - dynamic purchasing system new suppliers are welcome to participate. see the tender documents part i, ii and iii.Bardu municipality issued a dynamic procurement scheme for temporary agency services in november 2018. the call was published as a regular announcement, which closed the possibility for new suppliers to apply for the solution along the way. the solution is therefore illuminated in a new and correct way. as of december 18, 2016, 9 suppliers have applied for the solution, and they are approved. these will be taken into the solution automatically and do not need to submit a new application in this call. Information about subcontracts In this competition, the client wishes to enter into an agreement on renting, transporting and washing textiles (including flat clothes and clothing). to patients at institution) Languages such as offers or requests for participation can be submitted to Ir iks will go to the purchase of a vacuum cleaner Eligibility Criteria : -
Closing Date31 Dec 2038
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London Borough Of Tower Hamlets Tender
Transportation and Logistics
United Kingdom
Description: Hac5591 Community Transport Passenger Services Dps
Closing Date9 Dec 2026
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Kent County Council Tender
United Kingdom
Description: Ss15 124 Home To School Transport (taxi) - Dps
Closing Date1 Nov 2026
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Gloucestershire County Council Tender
United Kingdom
Description: Gloucestershire County Council Passenger Transport Dynamic Purchasing System (dps)
Closing Date2 Mar 2030
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Surrey County Council Tender
Transportation and Logistics
United Kingdom
Description: Dynamic Purchasing System For The Provision Of Client Assisted Passenger Transport Service For Vulnerable Children And Adults
Closing Date31 Mar 2026
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Transport Department Tender
Purchaser Name: Transport Department | Nit/mprdc/pq/bot/2015/5280 International Competitive Bidding For Pre-qualification Of Prospective Bidders For Development Of Infrastructure Project On Bot Development Of 150 Seated Medical College,750 Bedded Hospital, Nursing College, Hostel Complex, Residential Complex, Guest House Etc. At Ratlam. Development Of 100 Seated Medical College Of Graduate Level Associated 500 Bedded Hospital, Nursing College, Hostel Complex, Residential Complex, Guest House Etc. At Shahdol. Dedevelopment Of 150 Seat Medical College Of Graduate Level, Associated 750 Bedded Hospital, Nursing College, Hostel Complex, Residential Complex, Guest House Etc. At Vidisha.
Closing DateNA
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Transport Department Tender
Purchaser Name: Transport Department | निविदा आमंत्रण/म. प्र.स. वि. नि. लि./19511/निविदा/ सॅाफ्टवेयर/286/2016 मध्यप्रदेश सड़क विकास निगम लिमिटेड भोपाल द्वारा निम्नलिखित सॉफ्टवेयर क्रय इन्स्टालेशन एवं मेन्टेनेंस हेतु ऑन-लाईन निविदा आमंत्रित की जाती है। 1.ऑटोडेस्क इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर डिजाईन सूट - प्रीमियम 2016 या समकक्ष सॉफ्टवेयर. 2.1एमएस विसिओ प्रोफेशनल 2016 2.2एमएस प्रोजेक्ट प्रोफेशनल 2016 2.3एमएस विसुअल स्टूडियो प्रोफेशनल
Closing DateNA
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9101-9110 of 9109 active Tenders