Transport Tenders

Transport Tenders

Institute of Car Transport Tender

Purchaser Name: Institute of Car Transport | Av-poland 2022 W Dniu 7.06.2022 R. Wraz Z trying to W Dniu 6.06.2022 R.
Closing DateNA
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Stable Waste Treatment Factory In Tchev Tender

Description: "O Zmianie Umowy Usługi „transport Odpadów Komunal Zei Stationi Przeładunkowska Zamawiaowego Się W Stegnie" (in Polish)
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Institute of Car Transport Tender

Purchaser Name: Institute of Car Transport | As a result of the Progress of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Information System, Simple.erp
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Municipality of Kolbudy Tender

Description: As a result of the Progress of the People's Service of W Zakresie Transport of Children I of the Young Children's Children's Witnesses, Z Miejsca Zamieszkania Doół I Placówka Kształcenia Specjalis (W Roku Szkolny 2022/232020/232020)
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Specialist Hospital in Olsztina Tender

Description: "Operation of the Progress of Transport of Posiłków for the patient's patients"
Closing DateNA
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Description: As a result of the Progressment of Transport I Zagospodaring of the Comunal Responsible Do Pszok by the owner of the property of the Asssemblies of the Bobrowniks."
Closing DateNA
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Transportation Base In POVIDZ Tender

Description: 33th Transport Aviation Center
Closing DateNA
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Gmina Gnojno Tender

Description: "Operation of the Progress of the I Transport Zriotanych Odpadów Komunowych Oraz Odpadów Segregnych Zruchomości Zamieszkałych Z Terenu Gminy Gnojno" (in Polish)
Closing DateNA
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Museum of Polish Jewish History Tender

Description: The announcement of the O Wyniku Postępowanie Usługi Montaż, Demontaż I Transport Mobilna Wystawy Edukacji "music Na Kółkach" organized by the Museum of History of the Jews of Poland.
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

The Company Of Local Economy Sp Z O O Tender

Description: "Dostawa Paliw Dorod Transport I Maszyn Roboskich Pgm Sp. Z O. O. W Bełchatowieowieów w Bełchatowieowieowieów"
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
8821-8830 of 9189 active Tenders