Tenders of The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited
Tenders of The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited
The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited - FACT Tender
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
CATEGORY: Design engineering manufacturing shop testing inspection
packing delivery to site of 11 kV switchboard , Spare
incomer breaker with trolley and 3 phase line PT mounted ,
Spare outgoing breaker with trolley of each size and rating ,
Numerical feeder protection and control relay of each type ,
Numerical transformer differential protection and control
relay of each type , Single phase Current transformer for
each type and rating , Single phase Current transformer for
differential protection for each type and rating , PT primary
fuse of each rating , PT secondary fuse MCB , Spring
charging motor , Surge arresters , TNC control switch ,
Closing coil , Tripping coil , Ammeter selector switch ,
Voltmeter selector switch , Bus support insulator used in
bus bar compartment of each type , Bus support insulator
used in cable compartment of each type , Anti pumping
relay , DC failure relay , Master trip relay , 24 window
annunciator , 10 window annunciator , Hooter , LED
Indication lamps 110V DC for each Colours Red Yellow Biue
Green Clear White Amber , LED Indication lamps 110V AC
for each colours Red Yellow and BIue , Service Test limit
switches of each type and rating , limit switches used in
VCB of each type and rating , Electrical Contact grease ,
Installation and Commissioning support as per Engineering
Specification CD CSS 11KV SB ES.
Closing Date12 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
131-140 of 151 active Tenders