Tender Notice for Construction Works Modernization of the Sports Complex "moje Boisko-orlik 2012" Together with the Construction of a Permanent Ice Rink with an Additional Roller Skating Function at Sp. 5 in Oświęcim
Purchase, delivery and installation of equipment for rooms, kitchens and teaching aids in the branches of the municipal nursery in Katowice-zp.26.1.2024.mr
"O Zmianie Ogłosnia Budowa Parkingu Dwupoziomowy Z Placem Wielofunkcyjnym, Budynek Zaple I Budynkiem Usługu W Obrąbie "Oświęcim Przestrzeni" (in Polish)
The announcement of the Office of the Roboty Construction Authority, construction of the Chodnik W outside of the axial axial axial axial cables. In the area limited to Slovak, Al. 1000lecia, "park of chemicals", Ul. lives and lives