South America Tenders
South America Tenders
Conselho Regional De Engenharia E Agronomia Do Par Crea Pa Tender
Closing DateNA
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Registration of Prices, for Different and Autonomous Items, of Specialized Company(ies) for the Execution of Engineering Works and Services, Aiming at the Renovation and Expansion of Specific Building Areas of the Buildings that House the Crea-pa Inspectorates, in Municipalities of Parauapebas and Marabá, as set out in the Basic Project, Etp, Budget Spreadsheets and in accordance with the conditions, quantities and requirements established in the Notice and Annexes of Srp Competition N¨ 02/2023.
Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender
Closing DateNA
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Hiring a Specialized Company for the Preparation of Environmental Studies (eia/rima/pba/asv) and Engineering Design (basic and executive) for the implementation of the Northwest Loop of the Patos / Pb Ring Road, Rodovia Br-230, Connection with the Highway Br-361/pb, According to the Conditions, Quantities and Requirements Established in the Notice and Its Annexes/Appendices.
Ministry Of Education Tender
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Hiring a Company Specialized in Engineering Works and Services to Execute the Infrastructure Work for the Installation of a Generator Group at Agecom/agead (Support Base, Oil Containment Boxes and Electrical Installations), Located in Sector 02 of the University City of Ufms, In Campo Grandes/ms
Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Hiring a Company to Prepare the Studies and Executive Engineering Project for the Renovation of the Buildings of the Local Units of Picos/pi, Piripiri/pi and Floriano/pi and Updating the Projects of the Local Unit of Teresina/pi and the Headquarters of the Regional Superintendence of State of Piauí, in accordance with the specifications and conditions contained in the Terms of Reference through bidding in the Rdc modality, in its electronic form.
Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Hiring a Specialized Company to Execute Services for the Preparation of the Pba Basic Environmental Plan and Environmental Management, Covering Environmental Management Services, Environmental Supervision and Execution of Environmental Programs Within the Scope of Physical Improvement and Traffic Safety Works on the Urban Crossing of Ijuí , On the Br-285/rs Highway, Under the Jurisdiction of the Dnit Regional Superintendence in the State of Rio Grande Do Sul.
7311-7320 of 7370 active Tenders