South America Tenders
South America Tenders
Hiring an Engineering or Architecture Company to Renovate the Adequacy of a Property Belonging to the Federal Police Superintendency in Ceará Sr/pf/ce, On Land Located On Avenida Padre Antônio Tomás, Nº 2302, Bairro Aldeota, Fortaleza/ce.
Closing DateNA
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Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender
Hiring a Specialized Company to Prepare Environmental Studies (eia/rima/pba/asv) and Engineering Design (basic and executive) to adapt the capacity of the Br-104/pb Highway (north), considering the implementation of the contours of the municipalities From Remígio/pb, Esperança/pb And São Sebastião From Lagoa De Roça/pb, As Well As From The Northeast Loop Of Campina Grande / Pb, According To The Conditions, Quantities And Requirements Established In The Notice And Its Annexes/Appendices.
Closing DateNA
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Secretaria Municipal De Administra O Tender
Hiring of a Company Specialized in Engineering Services for the Completion of the Construction of Cmei Bairro Floresta, Located at Avenida Do Bosque, S/nº, Apm - 12, Setor Bairro Floresta, Goiânia - Go, In Compliance with the Municipal Department of Education, According to Conditions And Specifications Established In The Notice And Its Annexes.
Closing DateNA
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Ministry Of Health Tender
Hiring a Specialized Company to Carry Out Engineering Works with the Objective of Promoting the Expansion and Improvements of the Water Supply System of the Potrero Guassu Village, Located Under the Coverage of the Base Pole and the Municipality of Paranhos/ms, Attached to the Mato Indigenous Special Health District Grosso Do Sul (dsei/ms), in accordance with the conditions, quantities and requirements established in this instrument and its annexes.
Closing DateNA
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Conselho Regional De Engenharia E Agronomia Do Par Crea Pa Tender
Registration of Prices, for Different and Autonomous Items, of Specialized Company(ies) for the Execution of Engineering Works and Services, Aiming at the Renovation and Expansion of Specific Building Areas of the Buildings that House the Crea-pa Inspectorates, in Municipalities of Parauapebas and Marabá, as set out in the Basic Project, Etp, Budget Spreadsheets and in accordance with the conditions, quantities and requirements established in the Notice and Annexes of Srp Competition N¨ 02/2023.
Closing DateNA
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Prefeitura Municipal De Cachoeirinha Rs Tender
Electronic Competition Notice for the Hiring of an Electrical Engineering Company, to Provision of Maintenance Services and Public Lighting Installations, According to the Basic Project (Implementation of Lighting for Public Square Projects) and Other Attachments to the Notice, in Service to the Municipality of Cachoeirinha - LOL.
Closing DateNA
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7261-7270 of 7309 active Tenders