South America Tenders

South America Tenders

Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender

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Hiring a Specialized Company for the Preparation of Environmental Studies (eia/rima/pba/asv) and Engineering Design (basic and executive) for the implementation of the Northwest Loop of the Patos / Pb Ring Road, Rodovia Br-230, Connection with the Highway Br-361/pb, According to the Conditions, Quantities and Requirements Established in the Notice and Its Annexes/Appendices.

Ministry Of Defense Tender

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Adequacy of the Main Pavilion for the Installation and Modernization of Elevators in the Porto Alegre Area Military Hospital - Rs.

Prefeitura Municipal De Bel M Tender

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Construction of an Early Childhood Education Unit in the Neighborhood of Guamá

Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender

Closing DateNA
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Hiring Company(s) To Provision Specialized Technical Services For Registration And Routine Inspections, In Special Works Of Art, Divided Into 03 (three) Lots.

Minist Rio Da Economia Tender

Closing DateNA
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Contracting of the General Renovation Work of the Bnb's own building in Montes Claros-mg to be occupied by the Agency, Central and Credit Cells, in accordance with the projects and technical specifications contained in this Notice and its Annexes.

Ministry Of Education Tender

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The object of this tender is to choose the most advantageous proposal for hiring a legal entity specialized in providing civil construction services, including all materials, equipment and labor necessary for the execution of the mezzanine and some parts of the ground floor of the building. Taguatinga Campus Technological Training Center

Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender

Closing DateNA
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Hiring a Specialized Company to Prepare Basic and Executive Engineering Studies and Projects for the Execution of Implementation, Paving, Capacity Adjustment, Safety Improvement and Elimination of Critical Segments of the Br-470/rs - Lot 03.

Ministry Of Education Tender

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Hiring a Company Specialized in the Engineering Area to Retake the Construction Work on the Sports Court, to Serve the Ifmt - Alta Floresta Campus, According to the Conditions, Quantities and Requirements Established in the Notice and Its Annexes.

Ministry Of Defense Tender

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Hiring of Services to Execute the Retrofitting of the Kitchen 4.0 Sewerage of the Air Force Academy Ranch, in accordance with the conditions, quantities and requirements established in this instrument and its annexes.


Closing DateNA
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Hiring an Engineering or Architecture Company to Renovate the Adequacy of a Property Belonging to the Federal Police Superintendency in Ceará Sr/pf/ce, On Land Located On Avenida Padre Antônio Tomás, Nº 2302, Bairro Aldeota, Fortaleza/ce.
7241-7250 of 7298 active Tenders