South America Tenders
South America Tenders
Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender
Hiring of Specialized Technical Consultancy to Carry Out an Assessment of Compliance with the Obligations Assumed in the Rebidding Addendum, the Economic-Financial Conditions of the Concessionaire Rumo Malha Oeste Sa - Rmo, and Carrying Out the Calculation of the Compensation Values Due, According to the Specifications and Conditions contained in this Terms of Reference, as well as the provision of specialized technical support, with knowledge transfer....
Closing DateNA
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Ministry Of Education Tender
The purpose of this Tender is the choice of the most advantageous proposal for hiring a specialized company to carry out the construction work on the covered multi-sports court with bleachers and changing room at the Ifmt Campus Sorriso, in accordance with the conditions, quantities and requirements established in this Notice and its Annexes.
Closing DateNA
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Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender
Hiring a Specialized Company for the Development of the Basic and Executive Projects and the Execution of the Works and All Other Operations Necessary and Sufficient for the Final Delivery of 15 (fifteen) Bridges, Located on the Br-230/Pa Highway; Excerpt: Divisa To/pa Divisa Pa/am; Subsection: Brasil Novo Entr. Br-163(a) (ruropolis); Segment: Km 709.4 To Km 1006.90; Length: 297.50 km; Snv Code: 230bpa1530 230bpa1580 (snv: 202110a) ; Single Lot.
Closing DateNA
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Governo Do Distrito Federal - Gdf Tender
Hiring a Specialized Company for the Construction of the 42nd Military Fire Brigade (42nd Gbm), Located at Shsn Section 01 Qd 500 Special Area 03, Setor Habitacional Sol Nascente - Cep 72236-800. The work consists of the construction of a ground floor building plus a mezzanine, a constructed area of approximately 575.20 m², reinforced concrete structure. According to Notice and Annexes.
Closing DateNA
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Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender
Hiring a Company to Execute Environmental Management Services, Covering Environmental Supervision, the Implementation of Environmental Programs and the Environmental Management of the Paving Works on the Br-156/ap Tronco Sul Highway. Single Lot.
Closing DateNA
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Governo Do Estado Do Maranh O Tender
Integrated Contracting of Projects and Execution of Viaduct Construction Work on Avenida Guajajaras Connecting to Br135, in the Municipality of São Luís/ma, in accordance with the conditions, quantities and requirements established in the Terms of Reference and other documents attached to the Notice, of interest to the Secretariat Municipal Public Works and Services Semosp
Closing DateNA
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Minist Rio Da Cultura Tender
Hiring of a Specialized Legal Entity for the Execution of Architectural Restoration Works (including Complementary Installations) and Integrated Artistic Elements of the Basilica Cathedral of Nossa Senhora do Pilar, Located in the Municipality of São João Del-rei/mg.
Closing DateNA
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7071-7080 of 7164 active Tenders