Software Tenders
Software Tenders
Software and IT Solutions
United Kingdom
Description: Ngeso Software/hardware Technology Products & Associated Services
Closing Date29 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Montgomery College Tender
Software and IT Solutions...+1Education And Training Services
United States
Description: E524-019 Web-based Software Solution For Higher Education Workplace & Student Training
Closing Date4 Nov 2025
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Keski suomen Sairaanhoitopiirin Kuntayhtym Tender
Healthcare and Medicine
Details: Dynamic purchasing system: ultrasound equipment
The association of municipalities of the central finland hospital district is setting up a dynamic procurement system for ultrasound equipment. the procurement is divided into seven equipment categories.A. radiological ultrasound equipmentb. gynecological and obstetric ultrasound equipmentc. ultrasound equipment for emergency, surgical, anesthetic and intensive care unitsd. pediatric ultrasound equipment. ultrasound devices for clinical neurophysiologyf. rheumatological ultrasound equipmentg. more detailed description of the procurement of physiiatric ultrasound equipment in annex 1. description of the procurementthe equipment in the radiological ultrasound equipment division is an ultrasound equipment suitable for demanding radiological imaging operations, which will be procured primarily for the hospitals nova x-ray department. the devices are in daily use and undergo extensive ultrasound examinations of various imaging subjects for both adults and children, in addition to the devices being used on a daily basis in connection with various procedures. the devices are mainly required to have very good image quality and must have a wide range of sensors available for the study of shallow and deep objects, as well as the latest image enhancement technologies. the devices should allow for versatile and easy measurement functions in both the b-picture and the doppler. in addition, the devices are required to have good operating ergonomics and versatile adjustment options for both the console and the monitor. the devices acquired during the system can be divided into two main categories: the devices in this category of use are mainly state-of-the-art general examination devices available for the x-ray unit, which require very good image quality, very good ergonomics, strong performance, a wide range of sensors and versatile usability. the devices to be acquired for versatile use perform thick and thin needle biopsies of both superficial and deep areas and the placement of drains for adults under ua control, in which case biopsy guides must be available for the devices / sensors. high-quality doppler software, panoramic, contrast, shear-wave elastography, and fusion imaging should also be available for devices • category 2: an ultrasonic device for versatile general and mobile use. equipment in this category of use is a general examination equipment available mainly for the x-ray unit and nearby health centers and for the use of sonographers (ultrasound-trained x-rays), which require either good or very good image quality and good operating ergonomics and smooth operation. ultrasound devices are also occasionally used outside the x-ray department (eg demanding conditions in the power / emergency department), in which case the device must enable rapid use, easy mobility and flexible use of the device in examinations outside the department. the devices must have a wide range of doppler software, a panorami
Closing Date3 Dec 2026
Tender AmountEUR 2.5 Million (USD 2.6 Million)
Telecommunication Services
United States
Description: Covers Equipment Maintenance, Software Upgrades, And Emergency Response For Mitel Voip Phone System Outages. Phone System Supports All Buildings At Location. Pr...
Closing Date31 Jul 2025
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Amc 40531300 0000 Tender
Laboratory Equipment and Services
Details: Prior information notice without call for competition: Software package and information systems Description of the procurement: Laboratory Management System for Pathology. II.1.6)Information about lots This contract is divided into lots: no
Closing Date8 Jan 2041
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Minbzk Dtv Ubr his 50555596 Tender
Details: Prior information notice without call for competition: It services: Consulting, Software development, Internet and support
Description of the procurement:
The client for this market consultation is category management energy, which falls under the Central Government Real Estate Agency (RVB), part of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. The energy category is looking for an application for the management of energy connections, consumption and costs. The energy category purchases the system for various parts of the national government (clusters), such as the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Justice and Security, the Central Government Real Estate Agency and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. Through the market consultation, the contracting authority establishes what is possible and what is going on in the market. The aim of this market consultation is to get a good picture of the degree of interest and the possibilities and impossibilities in the market and the services.
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
Closing Date15 Jan 2026
Tender AmountRefer Documents
5321-5330 of 5601 active Tenders