Installation of Structures for the Installation of Sectional Speed Measurement Equipment (smh) on AC Grosuplje - Višnja Gora and Installation of Electrical Cabinets at Smh Locations
Special Audit to Check the Management of Individual Businesses of the Company Dars, DD, for the Period From 1/1/2019 to 12/31/2023 and Provide Recommendations for Improving Processes
Creation of Conceptual Solutions and Pzi for Active Noise Protection for the Northern Ljubljana Ring Road on Sections Hc H3 0086, 0088, 0089, 0090 (lj Šmartinska–koseze)
Slovenia – Engineering Services – Spremljanje Stanja Premostitvenih Objektov Na Cestah V Upravljanju Dars V Obdobju 2025–2027; Sklop 1: Redni Pregledi, Sklop 2: Glavni Pregledi