Tenders of Satakunnan Hyvinvointialue
Tenders of Satakunnan Hyvinvointialue
Satakunnan Hyvinvointialue Tender
Closing Date31 Dec 2025
Tender AmountNA
Hankinnan Kohteena On Työnohjauspalvelut Hyvinvointialueen Henkilöstölle (henkilökohtaiseen Kehittämiseen Tähtäävä Valmennus). Satakunnan Hyvinvointialueella Käytetään Ensisijaisesti Ns. Omia Koulutettuja Työnohjaajia. Työnohjausta Hankitaan Kuitenkin Lisäksi Ulkoisena Palveluna Tämän Hankintajärjestelmän Ehtojen Mukaisesti Täydentämään Tilaajan Tarpeita Tilanteissa, Joissa Soveltuvia Sisäisiä Työnohjaajia Ei Ole Saatavilla. Palvelua Tarjoava Henkilö Ei Saa Olla Työ- Tai Virkasuhteessa Satakunnan Hyvinvointialueelle.","","perustamisvaiheen Tarjoukset Tulee Jättää 4.8.2023 Klo 12:00 Mennessä.
Satakunnan Hyvinvointialue Tender
Closing Date31 May 2026
Tender AmountNA
This is a Request to Participate in the Dynamic Procurement System.","","a Dynamic Procurement System for Engineering Works Complementing Its Own Operations will be established for the Welfare Region for three (3) years.","","the object of the procurement and the related requirements are described in the following attachments:","- Dps Description (appendix 1)","- Service description (appendix 2)","- Public Procurement General Terms and Conditions Jyse 2014 Services (appendix 3)","- Draft contract (appendix 4)","- Reference form (appendix 5)
Satakunnan Hyvinvointialue Tender
Closing Date30 Apr 2028
Tender AmountNA
The target is the Clinical Laboratory Research Services of the Satakunta Welfare Area. These include intrinsic studies and their requirements are described in the Offer Plc Annexes. Nu Tilas of studies are estimates and do not involve the subscriber. "The Applications are described in the following Appendices -": Conluing Conluual Draft, Description of Services Dps,",te 2 Service Description, Research,",te 3 Acquistas "" - Device 4 Personal Data Prolying Terms of Conditions", Annex 5 General Conditions of Public Purchases Jyse 2014 Services ", Device 6 Products_ificationification-screws" (Complete 4)
Satakunnan Hyvinvointialue Tender
Closing Date14 Apr 2026
Tender AmountNA
The target of the acquis On is the housing services of disabled persons in the Welfare Area of the Satakunta.", "The subject of the acquisukset and the Applicable Requirements are described in the following Annexes: Description of Service (A-) Description of the procurement procedure (Annex 1b) Terms of Projening of Personal Data (Annex 2)" - General Conditions of Public Procurement Jyse 2014 Services (Annex 3) A draft agreement (Annex 4)", "Provider shall make a Self Offer (so-called Co-Provision) for each Service Home. The offerings of the starting phase should be left on 15 May 2023 at 9:00 p.m
11-20 of 31 active Tenders