Tenders of Roudnice Nad Labem
Tenders of Roudnice Nad Labem
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Tenders of Roudnice Nad Labem
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Tenders of Roudnice Nad Labem
Roudnice nad Labem Tender
Furnitures and Fixtures
Czech Republic
Closing Date11 Jul 2024
Tender AmountCZK 1.2 Million (USD 51.6 K)
Location of WC and Bistro (food truck)
Roudnice nad Labem Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Czech Republic
Closing Date31 Jul 2024
Tender AmountCZK 8.2 Million (USD 350.9 K)
The subject of the public order is construction work related to the reconstruction of public lighting in the town of Roudnice Nad Labem. The fulfillment place is Chelčického Street, Švermova Street, Na Urbanka AU Hřiště V Roudnice Nad Labem.
Roudnice nad Labem Tender
Czech Republic
Closing Date21 Sep 2023
Tender AmountCZK 70 Million (USD 2.9 Million)
"amendment No. 13 and No. 12 of the Regional Plan of Roudnice Nad Labem"
Roudnice nad Labem Tender
Czech Republic
Closing Date15 May 2023
Tender AmountCZK 165 Million (USD 7 Million)
Energy Audit of the Energy Economy of the town of Roudnice nad Labem
Roudnice nad Labem Tender
Czech Republic
Closing Date31 May 2023
Tender AmountCZK 100 Million (USD 4.2 Million)
No. 328 V Ulici Palacký, Roudnice Nad Labem