Tenders of Polregio S A
Tenders of Polregio S A
Electrical and Electronics...+1Electrical Works
Closing Date17 Jan 2025
Tender AmountNA
Good Day, I would like to ask you to present price information for performing diagnosis and removing errors related to the flow of data on the Can bus from the Adblue controller to the Selektron and engine controller. Lack of data continuity from the Adblue controller causes the engine to stop. After stopping the engine, the on-board computer sends the following data to the Driver's Monitor: 1. It highlights the engine icon in blue, which means that the combustion engine is on regardless of the vehicle's operating mode. 2. In combustion mode, it displays the engine speed at 8000 rpm. 3. In the Engine Parameters Tab, MAN displays the MAN error and the communication error with the Adblue controller. 4. In another tab, the MAN error and Diesel On (working). Attached are sample photos.
Civil And Construction...+4Civil Works Others, Excavation, Electrical and Electronics, Electrical Works
Closing Date16 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
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421-430 of 482 archived Tenders