Tenders of Pohjois Pohjanmaan Hyvinvointialue
Tenders of Pohjois Pohjanmaan Hyvinvointialue
Pohjois Pohjanmaan Hyvinvointialue Tender
Closing Date30 Apr 2049
Tender AmountEUR 3 Million (USD 3.1 Million)
Welfare area (continued) Establishing a dynamic purchasing system (continued Dps), which are subject to the acquisn of Employment Traders, as well as the public Other Service as defined in the Inn Offer Plcs. The subscriber accepted the conclusion of any application submitted by Applicants who comply with the Applicability requirements set for tenderers. The Candidate must submit all Required Candidate Applicability and Applicability of the Applicant Conformity Demonstration and Clarification. Anyone who wishes to enter the Dynamic Procurement System must comply with the General Applicability Requirements for the Full Duration of the Procurement Procedure. The contracting entity has the obligation to reject an application for injury that does not meet the requirement. Acquis.s are made within the dynamic purchasing system with separate offers plugs. The dynamic purchasing system is currently in effect. Establishing a dynamic purchasing system A minimum of 30 days have been reserved for submitting an application for participation from the date on which the notice of purchase has been sent for publication.vaihe the establishment phase, it is not possible to make changes to the dynamic purchasing system. Move to the purchase phase at the taliest on 20 April 2023 And the first deposit inside the DPS is preliminarily after the starting phase. The acquis. phase is currently in effect. Dynamic Procurement System Inisi Deposits .ify the subjects to be intettavaed and their Cri.. The contents of the dynamic purchasing system are described in more detail in the application plug-in and its attachments (Annex 1 Description of acquis.). The Procurement Is Related To A Project And/or Programme Financed By European Union Funds: No
Pohjois Pohjanmaan Hyvinvointialue Tender
Closing Date31 Oct 2028
Tender AmountNA
Northern Hospital Hospital The municipality (continued Ppshp) establishes a dynamic purchasing system (dps) that is targeted by Ultrasonic devices and associated Device-based Supplies and Services. ",ppshp accepts the conclusion of any application submitted by Applicants who comply with the Applications Set for Providers." The duration of the dynamic purchasing system is 72 months.essa the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system, the application for infringement shall be submitted At least 30 days from the date on which the purchase notice was sent for publication.vaihe the establishment phase, it is not possible to make changes to the dynamic purchasing system. Move to the purchase phase on November 4, 2020 First Acquistettavas are planned to be completed in 2022. Intaan Deposits of the dynamic purchasing system, the Inisi Deposits and the In.ed Products are Mu. The dynamic purchasing system is divided into nine (9) Indeippudent class (part of): Catiy 1: Ultrasonic equipment suitable for Gyniological Tutki, Catäy 2: Ultrasound devices suitable for the study of the fetus”, category 3: Ultrasonic equipment suitable for the study of the heart and therapy. Catiy 4: General Ultrasonic Equipment, Catiy 5: Ultrasonic Equipment Appropriate for Canyoning and Small Devices Cat Uy 6: Ultrasonic equipment suitable for urological Tutki Cat Uy 7: Ultrasound devices suitable for eye exploration Catty 8: Ultrasonic equipment for separate terminal equipment Catny 9: Ultrasonic devices suitable for soft tissue surgery", "The Content of the dynamic purchasing system is described in more detail in the sleeping plug-in and its attachments (Annex 4 Description of the Purchase Description). A candidate may apply for one class or more classes with one application. The candidate should notify the "Cri. of the Procurement Target" in which category/class the Candidate submits the application. The candidate must submit to each of the classes he so Et the required candidate'stuability and conformity to the Applicability of the Applicant. Operation of the Hospital District moved to the welfare area of the North-Based Land on 1 January 2023. In this connection, the contracting system and contracts are transferred to the Continuer. Additional information on the welfare area: Https:///North-based wellbeing area.fi/
Pohjois Pohjanmaan Hyvinvointialue Tender
Closing Date31 Dec 2027
Tender AmountEUR 42.5 Million (USD 44.2 Million)
Cat.y 1 is the Medical Services of Older Persons. The Medical Services of Older People's Housing Services are the Service in which the Customers of the Housing Servicent are named the Owner responsible for his medical care. The housing service unit refers to the Instiosions of the Effective or Ordinary Service Housing (Amendment to the Social Care Act 1.1.2023). The purpose of the service is to support the good quality of life of the enly person, the right to self-determination and the ability to function. The Services that operate are aware of the Customer’s Good Care and Care at the Housing Housing Housing Housing Station in the Life of Saakka. Working with friends and family is a solid part of the service. Medical Service Mainly with the assistance of remote locations, regular visits to the Service are also included. The service also includes the Remote Consultation Service at all Archives. The necessary Medical and Hospital Services are aimed at producing the most active widely-used residential unit of the e.ly personnel in close in-depth interaction with the staff. The starting point of the service is the seamless continuity of comprehensive care for the ekäly, based on a carefully prepared, predictive treatment plan and defined treatment policies. The item of the acquismmin is described in more detail in the Offer Plc of each Service Provider Register and in its Annexes. The Procurement is Related to A Project and/or By Byd by European Union Funds
Pohjois Pohjanmaan Hyvinvointialue Tender
Closing Date30 Nov 2042
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Welfare area (continued Pphva) Establishing a dynamic purchasing system (continued Dps) for vehicles (continued rental cars) Short-term rental and related internal Other Service Defined in the welfare area of the North-Based Land Nordlab (hereinafter the Orderers). “The rental services include Person, Package and Space Cars and Minibuss. Short-term car rental is used in the domestic official review as well as in other short-term needs. Acquis.s may be divided into Framework Agreements or Secured Rental Services. Some of the Needs are Short-Term and Some of the Needs are Urgent and Onprisingly Ac.ible. In Tarnt Vehicles, Inisen Deposit Times may also be significantly short (only a few days). Additional resource needs Frequently associated with unpredictable demand affected by thehdiscriber’s operations, and the Resource Cookies are not predictable by theajanscriber (e.g. surprising situations caused by pandemics, or challenges associated with the Availability of Profestial Persons, etc.).” You accept the conclusion of any application submitted by Applicants who comply with the.ability requirements set for tenderers. Candidates must notify the "Crin of the Acquisn" In which category/class the applicant submits the application. The candidate must submit to each of the classes he so Et the required candidate'stuability and conformity to the Applicability of the Applicant. Anyone who wishes to enter the Dynamic Procurement System must comply with the General Applicability Requirements for the Full Duration of the Procurement Procedure. The contracting entity has the obligation to reject an application for injury that does not meet the requirement. The Candidate may apply to the Townuksella or Several Categories with a One Application.” The dynamic purchasing system is currently in force.” Request for participation At least 30 days from the date on which the purchase notice was sent for publication.vaihe the establishment phase, it is not possible to make changes to the dynamic purchasing system. Move to the purchase phase 8.12.2022 And the first deposits inside the DPS are preliminary after the startup phase. The acquista phase is currently in force.” The ideas Muify the included subscribers and the products to be in.ed. The dynamic purchasing system is divided into nine (9) Inde.dent Cateseeny (party):" "Nordlab Oulu" "They" 3. "Nordlab Kemi" "Nordlab Ka.i" “Nordlab Kokkola,” 6. "Nordlab Rovaniemi" "They" 8. The contents of the "Dynamic Con Yliing System" are described in more detail in the sleeping plug-in and its attachments (Annex 5 Acquisn Description Vehicle Rental Service)
Pohjois Pohjanmaan Hyvinvointialue Tender
Closing Date31 Dec 2027
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Ko 1: Ological and Ne..ological Research Services.isetlogical Neisetisetologically Research services Studies conducted by Jalogy and/or Neäälogy that evaluate the Koitive performance, heating level, sentimental life, learning ability, Voiological power and functionality of the Client. Voilogical and Neendenological studies may be required in all domains of the welfare area such as basic health care or specialist medical care, mental health and day care services, education and family care, maternity and child care, and student and student care activities. The acquis. item is described in more detail in the Offer Request for In. Deposit of each Service Provider Register and in its Attachments. The Procurement is Related to A Project and/or By Byd by European Union Funds
21-30 of 33 active Tenders