Tenders of Pohjois Pohjanmaan Hyvinvointialue
Tenders of Pohjois Pohjanmaan Hyvinvointialue
Pohjois Pohjanmaan Hyvinvointialue Tender
Closing Date31 Oct 2028
Tender AmountNA
Northern Hospital Hospital The municipality (continued Ppshp) establishes a dynamic purchasing system (dps) that is targeted by Ultrasonic devices and associated Device-based Supplies and Services. ",ppshp accepts the conclusion of any application submitted by Applicants who comply with the Applications Set for Providers." The duration of the dynamic purchasing system is 72 months.essa the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system, the application for infringement shall be submitted At least 30 days from the date on which the purchase notice was sent for publication.vaihe the establishment phase, it is not possible to make changes to the dynamic purchasing system. Move to the purchase phase on November 4, 2020 First Acquistettavas are planned to be completed in 2022. Intaan Deposits of the dynamic purchasing system, the Inisi Deposits and the In.ed Products are Mu. The dynamic purchasing system is divided into nine (9) Indeippudent class (part of): Catiy 1: Ultrasonic equipment suitable for Gyniological Tutki, Catäy 2: Ultrasound devices suitable for the study of the fetus”, category 3: Ultrasonic equipment suitable for the study of the heart and therapy. Catiy 4: General Ultrasonic Equipment, Catiy 5: Ultrasonic Equipment Appropriate for Canyoning and Small Devices Cat Uy 6: Ultrasonic equipment suitable for urological Tutki Cat Uy 7: Ultrasound devices suitable for eye exploration Catty 8: Ultrasonic equipment for separate terminal equipment Catny 9: Ultrasonic devices suitable for soft tissue surgery", "The Content of the dynamic purchasing system is described in more detail in the sleeping plug-in and its attachments (Annex 4 Description of the Purchase Description). A candidate may apply for one class or more classes with one application. The candidate should notify the "Cri. of the Procurement Target" in which category/class the Candidate submits the application. The candidate must submit to each of the classes he so Et the required candidate'stuability and conformity to the Applicability of the Applicant. Operation of the Hospital District moved to the welfare area of the North-Based Land on 1 January 2023. In this connection, the contracting system and contracts are transferred to the Continuer. Additional information on the welfare area: Https:///North-based wellbeing area.fi/
11-20 of 39 active Tenders