Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung Traffiq Lokale Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt Am Main Mbh

Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung Traffiq Lokale Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt Am Main Mbh

Offizielle Bezeichnung TraffiQ Lokale Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt Am Main MbH Tender

Closing Date11 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Public tender (service) Framework agreement for moderation services Traffiq wants to be perceived as a professional partner at events - both in person and in online formats. Through externally designed moderation, results can be better achieved. Moretraffiq wants to be perceived as a professional partner at events - both in person and in online formats. Through externally designed moderation, results can be better achieved. At internal or politically explosive events, the moderation should help to maintain the culture of discussion, to hear critical opinions from all participants and to incorporate them as a contribution to the result. At the end, documentation appropriate to the event should be available in order to be able to continue working with the results achieved and to draw conclusions. More at: Https://www.subreport.de/e46176688

Offizielle Bezeichnung TraffiQ Lokale Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt Am Main MbH Tender

Finance And Insurance Sectors
Closing Date4 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Public tender (service) Advice on carrying out sustainability reporting in accordance with the CSRD The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) was adopted by the EU in 2023 and is to be implemented into national law in the near future. It obliges companies to report on their sustainability activities. In this sense, the AG does not meet the requirements for large companies under the CSRD (more than 250 employees; €50 million in sales; €25 million in total assets), but as a municipal company in private legal form, it must report like large companies due to the Hessian municipal ordinance. As a result, the AG will be subject to the CSRD's obligation to comply with the CSRD from the 2025 financial year. The report on the 2025 financial year must be published and audited in 2026 as part of the annual report. The AG has been preparing for sustainability reporting since autumn 2024 and the following steps have already been taken to implement it: - Hiring a sustainability officer - Developing a value chain taking into account the company's own activities as well as upstream and downstream processes - Appointing sustainability officers in each business area (5 areas in total) - Taking stock of possible material topics through workshops within the company using the ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards) in the form of a mind map & Excel table - Initial environmental analysis as a text document in the form of a desktop research is available. The AG has not yet published a sustainability report, but the topic was summarized in the annual reports on a few pages. In addition, the company does not have any environmental management systems or certifications that can be used as a basis for reporting. Due to the size of the AG, no software is to be introduced for the preparation of the sustainability report. This tender is for the award of services to carry out a double materiality analysis in accordance with CSRD. The double materiality analysis is an essential component of sustainability reporting according to CSRD and is specified in the ESRS. A materiality analysis is used to determine which topics from the three areas of sustainability "environment, social and governance" are relevant for the AG. The analysis supports the AG in filtering out the topics to be reported from the many topics and dimensions relating to sustainability. The objectives of this call for tenders are: - Carrying out all the necessary steps of a double materiality analysis according to CSRD and ESRS in order to be legally compliant. The size of the AG and the correspondingly smaller scope of the materiality analysis are appropriately taken into account. - Raising awareness among the key stakeholder groups of the AG identified in the materiality analysis of the importance of sustainable corporate development - Developing the double materiality analysis as a basis for the CSRD reporting as well as for future strategic priorities, goals and measures of the AG - Handing over all relevant documents and information that are important for the preparation of future sustainability reports