Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung Land Hessen, Vertreten Durch Den Landesbetrieb Bau Und Immobilien Hessen, Zentrale Vergabe

Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung Land Hessen, Vertreten Durch Den Landesbetrieb Bau Und Immobilien Hessen, Zentrale Vergabe

Offizielle Bezeichnung Land Hessen, Vertreten Durch Den Landesbetrieb Bau Und Immobilien Hessen, Zentrale Vergabe Tender

Closing Date18 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Public tender Vob/a sealing work (din 18 336); Sealing work of interior rooms Din 18534 - Thermal insulation work - Sealing work / Kitchen - Leak test

Offizielle Bezeichnung Land Hessen, Vertreten Durch Den Landesbetrieb Bau Und Immobilien Hessen, Zentrale Vergabe Tender

Closing Date18 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Public tender Vob/a screed work (DIN 18 353); screed work in accordance with DIN 18560 - preparatory work - base for kitchen furniture - screed work in the kitchen KG - base areas in the kitchen - screed work in the technical room -01 ... Multiple screed work (DIN 18 353); screed work in accordance with DIN 18560 - preparatory work - base for kitchen furniture - screed work in the kitchen KG - base areas in the kitchen - screed work in the technical room -01-10 - repair work in old building KG - old building Eg - floor coating technical room and hallway

Offizielle Bezeichnung Land Hessen, Vertreten Durch Den Landesbetrieb Bau Und Immobilien Hessen, Zentrale Vergabe Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Closing Date19 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Public tender VOB/A floor covering work (DIN 18 365); The State of Hesse and the Justus Liebig University of Giessen intend to build a new research building, the Institute for Lung Health (ILH), in the Seltersberg/medicine campus area. The planned building complex consists of three storeys and a partial basement. A light well will be created inside, which opens up to the outside space on the ground floor. The basement, which is only half embedded in the ground due to its slope, is used for access to supplies and disposal. The upper floors are used as office and social areas, as well as laboratories. The gross floor area is 6,100 m². The floor area of the planned new building is approximately 1,837 m². The gross floor area of all floors is approximately 6,100 m². Floor covering work is to be carried out for the new building.

Offizielle Bezeichnung Land Hessen, Vertreten Durch Den Landesbetrieb Bau Und Immobilien Hessen, Zentrale Vergabe Tender

Closing Date20 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Public tender Vob/a heating systems and central water heating systems (DIN 18 380); Kg 410 sewage, water, gas systems The following main measures are planned: - dismantling of hot water preparation including pipes and distributors - decommissioning of floor outlets - installation of instantaneous water heaters or under-sink storage tanks including... Multi-heating systems and central water heating systems (DIN 18 380); Kg 410 sewage, water, gas systems The following main measures are planned: - dismantling of hot water preparation including pipes and distributors - decommissioning of floor outlets - installation of instantaneous water heaters or under-sink storage tanks including Fittings - Installation of storage charging system - Adaptation of piping Kg 420 heat supply systems The following main measures are planned: - Circulation pumps/renewal of circulation pumps - Replacement of thermostatic radiator valves - Checking/adapting the setting values of the bypasses - Installation of thermal circuit control valves in the return line (floor outlet) - Dismantling/shutting down the heat distribution network for hot water preparation - Adjustment of existing pumps (high-efficiency pumps) - Adaptation of distributor outlet/connection of air conditioning systems - Hydraulic balancing of heating surfaces - Flushing of heating network Kg 430 air conditioning systems - Dismantling the system

Offizielle Bezeichnung Land Hessen, Vertreten Durch Den Landesbetrieb Bau Und Immobilien Hessen, Zentrale Vergabe Tender

Closing Date20 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Public tender Vob/a Tactile guidance system; 95 m guide lines made from stainless steel tiles, 112 m attention fields made from several individual tiles, 192 m visual markings on glass surfaces. The client is Rheinmain University of Applied Sciences... Multi-tactile guidance system; 95 m guide lines made from stainless steel tiles, 112 m attention fields made from several individual tiles, 192 m visual markings on glass surfaces. The client is Rheinmain University of Applied Sciences.

Offizielle Bezeichnung Land Hessen, Vertreten Durch Den Landesbetrieb Bau Und Immobilien Hessen, Zentrale Vergabe Tender

Others...+1Civil And Construction
Closing Date23 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Public tender Vob/a Gas, water and drainage systems within buildings (DIN 18 381); Heating systems and central water heating systems (DIN 18 380); Air conditioning systems (DIN 18 379); The sanitary facilities of the Hofheim tax office, which were originally installed in 1991, are to undergo extensive renovation. This means that all toilets (men's, women's and disabled toilets) from the ground floor to the fourth floor as well as additional washrooms will be completely renovated during ongoing operations. In total, there are nine men's toilets, nine women's toilets, four disabled toilets and two washrooms in the basement and fourth floor. Due to a higher demand for the women's toilets compared to the men's toilets and some disabled toilets, which do not meet current standards, some toilets are being replaced. The Hofheim tax office is a multi-storey office building with a central access core that is divided into four parts (A, B, C and D). The contract includes the renovation of all toilets (tga Ag 1-3), the renewal of the entire fresh water supply (including tea kitchens and canteen/kitchen), the renewal of the waste water pipes (excluding underground pipes) and the renewal of the radiators and heating pipes up to the suspended ceilings in the rooms to be renovated.

Offizielle Bezeichnung Land Hessen, Vertreten Durch Den Landesbetrieb Bau Und Immobilien Hessen, Zentrale Vergabe Tender

Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Closing Date22 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Public tender Vob/a air conditioning systems (DIN 18 379); 1 cold storage combination (normal cooling) 1 compound refrigeration system normal cooling with accessories - Use of fairly traded products - Ecologically ... Multi-room air conditioning systems (DIN 18 379); 1 cold storage combination (normal cooling) 1 compound refrigeration system normal cooling with accessories - Use of fairly traded products - Ecologically sustainable products - Innovatively oriented products and services

Offizielle Bezeichnung Land Hessen, Vertreten Durch Den Landesbetrieb Bau Und Immobilien Hessen, Zentrale Vergabe Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Others
Closing Date17 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Public tender Vob/a Demolition and dismantling work on traffic areas (din 18 328); Drainage canal work (din 18 306); Renovation work on drainage canals (din 18 326); Traffic route construction work - superstructure layers made of asphalt (din 18 317); Traffic route construction work - Paved surfaces and slab coverings in unbound design, edging; Water retention work (din 18 305); Canal and yard renovation

Offizielle Bezeichnung Land Hessen, Vertreten Durch Den Landesbetrieb Bau Und Immobilien Hessen, Zentrale Vergabe Tender

Others...+1Electrical and Electronics
Closing Date4 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Public tender VOB/A low and medium voltage systems up to 36 kV (DIN 18 382); delivery and operational installation of photovoltaic data loggers for the Hesse-wide PV monitoring system including parameterization and documentation. The total service includes 40 properties.

Offizielle Bezeichnung Land Hessen, Vertreten Durch Den Landesbetrieb Bau Und Immobilien Hessen, Zentrale Vergabe Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Closing Date14 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Public tender (service) maintenance, servicing, Dguv Rlt systems, Marburg-Biedenkopf district. Maintenance, servicing, Dguv Rlt systems; maintenance, servicing on approx. 55 ventilation systems in the Marburg-Biedenkopf district.
71-80 of 88 archived Tenders