Tenders of Nmdc Steel Limited
Tenders of Nmdc Steel Limited
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Tenders of Nmdc Steel Limited
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Tenders of Nmdc Steel Limited
NMDC Steel Limited Tender
Machinery and Tools
Closing Date28 Feb 2023
Tender AmountINR 174.6 Million (USD 2 Million) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
CATEGORY: 900mm wide NN250 x 6Ply , 1050mm wide NN250 x 6Ply ,
1200mm wide NN250 x 6Ply , 1350MM wide NN125 x 6 Ply ,
1350mm wide NN125 x 6 Ply , 1500mm wide NN200 x 6Ply ,
1050mm wide EP250 , 1200mm wide EP250 , 1050mm
wide NN150 x 6Ply
NMDC Steel Limited Tender
Automobiles and Auto Parts
Closing Date14 Feb 2023
Tender AmountINR 246.7 K (USD 2.9 K)
CATEGORY: Spare AFR XIV1080 , Spare AFR XIV1081 , Spare AFR
XIV1082 , Spare AFR XIV1083 , Spare AFR XIV1084 , Spare
AFR XIV1085 , Spare AFR XIV1086 , Spare AFR XIV1087 ,
Spare AFR XIV1088 , Spare AFR XIV1089 , Spare AFR
XIV1090 , Spare AFR XIV1091 , Spare AFR XIV1096 , Spare
AFR XIV1097 , Spare AFR XIV1098 , Spare AFR XIV1099 ,
Spare AFR XIV1160 , Spare AFR XIV1161 , Spare AFR
XIV1163 , Spare AFR XIV1164 , Spare AFR XIV1165
NMDC Steel Limited Tender
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Closing Date17 Feb 2023
Tender AmountINR 1.5 Million (USD 18.7 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
CATEGORY: 1600034425 HT HRC FUSE , 1700009093 GI Stay Sets of 20
mm dia , 1600034426 33 KV Outdoor Type Polymer ,
1600034427 Outdoor Type Polymer , 1600034668 Outdoor
Type Polymer Surge Arrester , 1600034669 11 KV Outdoor
Type Polymer Surge Arrester , 1700009094 33 KV Heat
Shrink out-door type End termination kit , 1700009095 33
KV Heat Shrink In-door type End termination kit ,
1700009096 Heat Shrink Out-door , 1700009097 Heat
Shrink In-door type , 1700009178 Heat Shrink Out-door type
End termination kit , 1700009179 Heat Shrink In-door type
End termination kit , 1700009180 Heat Shrink straight
through kit , 1700009185 Double Break turn and twist AB
Switch manually operated , 1600034673 Double Break AB
Switch manually operated with earth switch