Tenders of Municipality Of Tahumanu Inapari
Tenders of Municipality Of Tahumanu Inapari
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Tenders of Municipality Of Tahumanu Inapari
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Tenders of Municipality Of Tahumanu Inapari
Municipality Of Tahumanu Inapari Tender
Closing Date31 May 2023
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Recruitment of the Service of Rutinal Maintenance of the Route Neighborhood Route Md-637: Emp. Pe-30c San Pedro Do you lose Gallina Tropezón Carretera; Tram: Punta Carretera (km 10.68) Union Iberia District Tahuamanu Mother of God L= 8.8. Km. - Recruitment of the Service of Rutinal maintenance of the Route Neighborhood Route Md-637: Emp. Pe-30c San Pedro Dv. Pierde Gallina Tropezón Pta. Carretera; Tramo: Punta Carretera (km 10.68) Union Iberia district Tahuamanu Mother of God L= 8.80 Km.