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Offizielle Bezeichnung OPG Offenbacher Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft MbH Im Namen Und Auf Rechnung Des Magistrates Der Stadt Offenbach Am Main Tender
Closing Date19 Mar 2025
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Public tender Vob/a Tga Natural science facility old building The Mathildenschule in Offenbach is being renovated. In this context, the specialist classrooms for the natural sciences are to be newly furnished. This involves four ... Mehrtga Natural science facility old building The Mathildenschule in Offenbach is being renovated. In this context, the specialist classrooms for the natural sciences are to be newly furnished. This involves four scientific practice rooms and a scientific collection room.
Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Closing Date24 Mar 2025
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Contract notice - general guideline, standard regulation negotiated procedure with prior publication of a call for competition / negotiated procedure (services) Planning services for the new fire station in Frankenhain The subject of this tender is the planning services for the new fire station in Frankenhain. For this, the following services are required: Lot 1: Object planning for buildings and outdoor facilities Lot 2: Structural planning Lot 3: Technical equipment Hls Lot 4: Technical equipment Elt Lot 1 - Object planning for buildings and outdoor facilities The subject of this contract is services in the scope of services for building planning in accordance with the scope of services in Sections 33 ff. Hoai of the Hoai 2021, for the new fire station in Frankenhain and the outdoor facility planning required for the fire station in Sections 38 ff. Hoai. For the client's objectives at the time the contract is concluded (planning and monitoring objectives within the meaning of Section 650p Paragraph 2 of the German Civil Code), the following minimum requirements are defined - in the sense of a work contract quality agreement: The room program and all legal and technical requirements are described in detail in Appendix 12 to the contract notice and are the subject of this letter of invitation. In terms of energy, the new fire station is to be planned and constructed as a climate-friendly non-residential building (kfn) that meets the requirements of an efficiency building 40. Furthermore, the regulations for non-residential buildings run by the public sector must generally be observed and adhered to in accordance with the Building Energy Act (geg) and the Renewable Energies Heat Act (eewärmeg). The other requirements are set out in Appendix 12 to the contract notice. The scope of services commissioned is, as detailed in the draft contract, the provision of planning services in service phases 1 to 9, which are to be assigned to the service profile for building object planning (Section 34 Hoai in conjunction with Appendix 10 to Section 34 Paragraph 4 Hoai). Furthermore, it is intended to commission the special services evident from the service description in Appendix 12. The subject matter of the contract also includes the necessary outdoor area planning services in accordance with Section 39 Paragraph 3 Hoai service phases 1-9, whereby the client views these as services “to be provided” by the object planner. These services will be commissioned in stages, as described above, with the first stage comprising service phases 1-4. The object planning and the associated outdoor area planning will be put out to tender in order to obtain a uniform planning concept from a single source. The contracting authority is conducting an EU-wide tendering procedure due to the relevant threshold being reached/exceeded when all estimated contract volumes are added together. In parallel with this lot, the lots for engineering services for structural planning and technical equipment are being put out to tender. The client has the following requirements in terms of time for the construction process: The basic services up to service phase 4 are to be provided by September 2025. Construction is scheduled to begin in March/April 2026. Commissioning is planned for the end of 2026/beginning of 2027. Due to the unpredictable duration of the approval process by the lower building supervisory authorities, these are only provisionally accepted framework data. Lot 2 - structural planning, thermal insulation and energy balancing The subject of this contract are services in the structural planning scope of services in accordance with Sections 49 ff. Hoai as well as thermal insulation and energy balancing for the planning and implementation of the new construction of a fire station in Frankenhain. The following minimum requirements are defined as the client's objectives at the time the contract is concluded (planning and monitoring objectives within the meaning of Section 650p Paragraph 2 of the German Civil Code) - in the sense of a work contract quality agreement: A. Spatial program The client has described the requirements for the service in detail in the service description Annex 12 to the contract notice in the EU Official Journal. These requirements become part of the contract to be concluded. B. Technical aspects: In addition to the requirements according to Annex 12, the regulations for non-residential buildings in the public sector according to the Building Energy Act (GEG) and the Renewable Energies Heat Act (EEWÄHEITG) must generally be observed and complied with. The scope of services commissioned is, as detailed in the draft contract, the provision of planning services for service phases 1 to 6 and the special services for service phase 8 that are to be assigned to the structural planning service profile (Section 51 HOAI in conjunction with Annex 14 to Section 51 Paragraph 1 HOAI). The order is placed in performance stages. The awarding authority carries out an EU-wide tendering procedure if the relevant threshold value is reached/exceeded when all estimated order volumes are added together. The individual planning services are awarded in lots. The lots for object planning for buildings and outdoor facilities and the engineering services for the technical equipment are also put out to tender together with this lot. The client has the following requirements in terms of time for the construction process: - The basic services for service phases 1 to 4 are to be fully provided by September 2025 in coordination with the object planner. - Construction is scheduled to begin in March/April 2026. - The planned commissioning is to take place at the end of 2026/beginning of 2027. Lot 3 - Hls technical equipment The subject of this contract are services of the building scope of work in accordance with Sections 53 ff. Hoai system groups 1, 2 and 3 (lot 3 - Hls), for the construction of a fire station in Frankenhain. The following minimum requirements are defined as the client's objectives at the time the contract is concluded (planning and monitoring objectives within the meaning of Section 650p Paragraph 2 Bgb) - in the sense of a work contract quality agreement: A. Room program The client has defined the room program and all requirements for the execution in the service description Appendix 12 to the contract notice. This becomes part of the contract. B. Technical aspects: The regulations for non-residential buildings in the public sector must also be observed and obtained in accordance with the Building Energy Act (GEG) and the Renewable Energies Heat Act (EEWÄHERG). The commissioned scope of services is, according to the detailed provisions of the draft contract, the provision of planning services for service phases 1 to 9, which are to be assigned to the service profile technical equipment system groups 1, 2 and 3 (lot 3 - Hls) (Section 55 Paragraph 1 Hoai in conjunction with Appendix 15 to Section 55 Paragraph 1 Hoai). The order is placed in service stages. Initially, only the basic services for service phases 1 to 4 are commissioned. The client can commission the following basic services for service phases 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 - in whole or in part - in one or more further service stages by means of a written declaration to the contractor. The contractor has no legal right to be commissioned with further services beyond the scope of services commissioned according to the draft contract. The individual planning services are awarded in lots. Parallel to this lot, tenders are being put out for the lots object planning buildings and outdoor facilities (lot 1), engineering services for structural planning (lot 2), and engineering services for technical equipment Elt (lot 4). The client has the following requirements in terms of time for the construction process: - The basic services for service phases 1 to 4 are to be fully provided in September 2025. The services must be coordinated with the object planner. - Construction is scheduled to start in March/April 2026; - Construction is scheduled to end in 2026/beginning of 2027. Lot 4 - Elt technical equipment The subject of this contract are services from the building service scope in accordance with Sections 53 ff. Hoai system groups 4 and 5 (lot 4 - Elt), for the construction of a fire station in Frankenhain. The following minimum requirements are defined as the client's objectives at the time the contract is concluded (planning and monitoring objectives within the meaning of Section 650p Paragraph 2 of the German Civil Code) - in the sense of a work contract quality agreement: A. Room program The client has defined the room program and all requirements for the execution in the service description Appendix 12 to the contract notice. This becomes part of the contract. B. Technical aspects: The regulations for non-residential buildings in the public sector must generally also be observed and obtained in accordance with the Building Energy Act (GEG) and the Renewable Energies Heat Act (EEWÄHEITG). The commissioned scope of services is, as detailed in the draft contract, the provision of planning services for service phases 1 to 9, which are to be assigned to the service profile for technical equipment, system groups 4 and 5 (lot 4 - Elt) (Section 55 Paragraph 1 Hoai in conjunction with Appendix 15 to Section 55 Paragraph 1 Hoai). The order is placed in service stages. Initially, only the basic services of service phases 1 to 4 are commissioned. The client can commission the following basic services of service phases 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 - in whole or in part - in one or more further service levels by making a written declaration to the contractor. The contractor has no legal right to be commissioned with further services beyond the scope of services commissioned according to the draft contract. The individual planning services are awarded in lots. In parallel to this lot, tenders are issued for the lots object planning buildings and outdoor facilities (lot 1), engineering services for structural planning (lot 2), engineering services for technical equipment Hls (lot 3). For the construction process, the client sets the following requirements in terms of time: - The basic services of service phases 1 to 4 are to be fully provided in 09/2025. The services must be coordinated with the object planner. - The planned start of construction is March/April 2026; - The planned completion of construction is to take place at the end of 2026/beginning of 2027.
Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Closing Date24 Mar 2025
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Contract notice – general guidelines, standard rules negotiated procedure with prior publication of a call for competition/negotiated procedure (services) 302897_drainage Müllerstrasse Friedrichshafen Scope of work “traffic facilities” in accordance with Section 45 of the Hoai, including local construction monitoring (engineering and traffic facilities) 302897_drainage Müllerstrasse Friedrichshafe ... More302897_drainage Müllerstrasse Friedrichshafen Scope of work “traffic facilities” in accordance with Section 45 of the Hoai, including local construction monitoring (engineering and traffic facilities) 302897_drainage Müllerstrasse Friedrichshafen The subject matter is the planning services for traffic facilities that are necessary for the overall construction project described. This concerns the traffic facilities: Full expansion of the road including planning of 2 bus stops (barrier-free) The subject matter of the award is the planning services for traffic facilities in accordance with Section 45 of the Hoai, performance phases 2-8. Due to the reduction in performance due to the existing infrastructure (road edges specified), a percentage reduction is possible in performance phase 2 (pre-planning). Local construction monitoring for civil engineering structures and traffic facilities is part of the tender and is to be offered as a special service.
Offizielle Bezeichnung Gemeinde Ederm nde Tender
Closing Date14 Apr 2025
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Public tender Vob/a The following services are planned: Approx. 150 m³ of soil removed from excavation areas / loading and recycling Approx. 50 m³ of soil improvement delivered and installed Approx. 220 tonnes of frost protection material in the roadway and sidewalks / ancillary facilities delivered and installed Approx. 200 m² of concrete paving stones in sidewalks / ancillary areas delivered and installed Approx. 120 m of on-board facilities in various formats delivered and installed 1 piece of lighting equipment provided / installed by the contractor including cable trenches etc. 1 piece of new waiting shelter including furniture + equipment
Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Closing Date18 Mar 2025
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Contract notice - General guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (services) 302343_veloring Ba 2/0, footpath and cycle path including bridge structure (bbb) Individual award of construction-related soil protection (bbb) Incl. LV preparation 302343_veloring Ba 2/0, footpath and cycle path including bridge structure (b ... More302343_veloring Ba 2/0, footpath and cycle path including bridge structure (bbb) Individual award of construction-related soil protection (bbb) Incl. LV preparation 302343_veloring Ba 2/0, footpath and cycle path including bridge structure (bbb) The subject of the award is the services for construction-related soil protection in accordance with DIN 19639, which are necessary for the described development of the Reinachweg building area in the course of the overall construction project. This DIN document provides the basis For the planning and implementation of soil protection during construction and provides the criteria for the creation of the soil protection concept. The following services are part of the tender in relation to the overall construction project described above: Soil protection during construction in accordance with DIN 19639, phases 1-4 (protection of the soil through soil protection concept and soil-related construction support in the phases of planning, project planning, tendering and execution including interim management) Creation of a list of services for the consultations during the geotechnical planning and execution (all geotechnical services that are not taken into account in the course of soil protection, e.g. measuring water levels, density determination)
Offizielle Bezeichnung OPG Offenbacher Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft MbH In Namen Und Rechnung Des Magistrats Der Stadt Offenbach Am Main Tender
Closing Date19 Mar 2025
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Public tender Vob/a teaching kitchen and tea kitchens administration The Mathildenschule in Offenbach is being renovated. The renovation of the old building is taking place in two construction phases. In this process, the teaching kitchen and the tea kitchens are to be newly equipped. There is a teaching kitchen, which is located on the ground floor of the first construction phase (component B), and there is a tea kitchen in the administration and one in the teachers' room. The tea kitchens are located on the ground floor of the second construction phase (component A).
Offizielle Bezeichnung Tender
Closing Date24 Mar 2025
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Contract notice - general guideline, standard regulation Open procedure (services) 302897_drainage Müllerstraße Friedrichshafen (tree assessor) Specialist construction management tree protection 302897_drainage Müllerstraße Friedrichshafen (tree assessor) The subject of the tender is the l ... More302897_drainage Müllerstraße Friedrichshafen (tree assessor) Specialist construction management tree protection 302897_drainage Müllerstraße Friedrichshafen (tree assessor) The subject of the tender is the services "specialist construction management tree protection" which are necessary in the course of the overall construction project. The aim is to protect trees effectively from the negative effects of the construction, for this purpose tree protection is integrated at an early stage. The following items are to be offered as part of the tender (details in the fee sheet): - Construction site appointments/consultation appointments (e.g. condition assessment of trees) - Preparation of short reports from the construction site appointment (e.g. documentation of tree population) - Preparation of a final report with regard to tree protection for securing the existing trees and root protection measures. A cost estimate of approx. 60,000 - 80,000 EUR net is currently assumed.
9991-10000 of 10000 active Tenders