Tenders of Moil Limited
Tenders of Moil Limited
MOIL Limited - MOIL Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Closing Date13 Jan 2025
Tender AmountINR 6.8 Million (USD 78.8 K)
CATEGORY: Custom Bid for Services - Extra Excavation in rock Quantity
as per tender document , Custom Bid for Services -
Concreting for preparation of stopes installation of chute
Manway and Manway offsetting etc Quantity as per tender
MOIL Limited - MOIL Tender
Machinery and Tools...+1Scraps
Closing Date6 Jan 2025
Tender AmountINR 279 K (USD 3.1 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
CATEGORY: LOT-1: Square head bolt, Material EN-8 (As per drg:
BM/MECH/10/79-A, B & C) , LOT-2: Flanged type bush,
Material- Copper Alloy (Cu 85% & Zn 15% ) (As per drg No:
MAF038.4. 042– A&B) , LOT-3: Steel Spring, Material- CAST
IRON BS 1452 GR. 200 (As per drg No: BM/MECH/10/80)
MOIL Limited - MOIL Tender
Civil And Construction...+2Excavation, Transportation and Logistics
Closing Date28 Jan 2025
Tender AmountINR 14.2 Million (USD 163.8 K)
CATEGORY: Custom Bid for Services - Coupling and pushing of tubs by
battery locomotive at Underground Quantity as per tender
document , Custom Bid for Services - Unloading of tubs from
minus 300 ft L into OTC Underground Quantity as per tender
document , Custom Bid for Services - Withdrawal of ore from
OTC and pushing into cage and taking out of empty tubs
from cage to OTC Quantity as per tender document ,
Custom Bid for Services - Pulling and unloading of ROM and
rock tubs from cage to bunker and Vice versa Quantity as
per tender document , Custom Bid for Services - Pushing of
tubs from plant to OCF and back Quantity as per tender
document , Custom Bid for Services - Pushing of tubs of
clean ore from OCF to siding and back Quantity as per
tender document , Custom Bid for Services - Pushing of tubs
from plant to siding and back Quantity as per tender
document , Custom Bid for Services - Loading of chock
sleepers in trolley at surface and pushing it into cage and
pulling it out from cage at various levels in underground
Quantity as per tender document , Custom Bid for Services -
Loading of steel MW 3 rings ie 9 segments 1 platform and 1
ladder or ore pass 3 rings ie6 segments set in cage at pit
top and unloading it from cage at various levels in
underground Quantity as per tender document , Custom Bid
for Services - Loading of RS joist and 30 lbs rail at surface
and pulling it out from cage at various levels in
underground Quantity as per tender document
91-100 of 319 archived Tenders