Tenders of Institute Of Law And Innovation National Research Institute

Tenders of Institute Of Law And Innovation National Research Institute

Institute of Law and Innovation National Research Institute Tender

Laboratory Equipment and Services
"delivery of laboratory consumables for the Department of Soil Science and Environmental Analysis Iung-pib Puławy, divided into 5 parts of the order"
Closing Soon11 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Institute of Law and Innovation National Research Institute Tender

Laboratory Equipment and Services
Announcement of the Supply Order "supply of Laboratory Consumables for the Department of Soil Science and Environmental Analysis Iung-pib Puławy, Divided into 5 Order Parts"
Closing Soon11 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Institute of Law and Innovation National Research Institute Tender

Furnitures and Fixtures
Successive Deliveries of Diesel and Heating Oil to the Rural Development Authority in Żelisławki, Divided into Two Parts of the Order
Closing Soon10 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Institute of Law and Innovation National Research Institute Tender

Furnitures and Fixtures
Successive Deliveries of Diesel Oil to the Wierzbno Municipality
Closing Soon10 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Institute of Law and Innovation National Research Institute Tender

Furnitures and Fixtures
Announcement of the Order for the Successive Supply of Diesel Oil for the Wierzbno District
Closing Soon10 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Institute of Law and Innovation National Research Institute Tender

Furnitures and Fixtures
Announcement of the Order for the Successive Supply of Diesel and Heating Oil for the Rzd in Żelisławki Divided into Two Parts of the Order
Closing Soon10 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Institute of Law and Innovation National Research Institute Tender

Furnitures and Fixtures
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
1. The premiot of the order includes the "recanalization of W Jabłonce-centrum Orazbłonce-bory W 2023r". According to the requirements of the Octreślony, W Specification Warunków Zajdanie, Orazie Zeą Budowlaną I Wiedzy Technicznej, Obo referring to the Law of Truth, Techniczno- Construction, Normami Branżowe I Pn 2. In particular, the Rekanalization of W Jabłonce-centrum Oraz Jabłonce-bory-bory-bory-borys. In 2023, 2.1. Jabłonka-centrum: Drogi Gminne Nr 3759 I 3736 16.50 M= 24,75 M2 120 MX 1,50 M= 180 M= 180 M2 - 42,75 M2 M2 Municipality No. 23/1 I=0: 90.5m X 1.50 M= 135, M= 135, M275, Mn, 175, 175, Mn, No. He was the 100.5x 10.0 = 1005,0 Zł Koszt Zajęcia Pasowego Na Potrzeby Wykonania Robót Kanalizacji 3215,0 +1005,0 = 4.220,0. The payload of the J/w Passenger Road is able to count the Dotorsu Ofert. 3 Zakres Prac Precyzuje, Specification of the Technical Exhibition of I Odbioru Robót, Prior to Robót, Do Nintensive Swz. Chapter No. 11 Specification of the Technical Exhibition of I Odbioru Robót Budowlanów Załącznik Nr 12 Przedmiar Robót 4 . Nomenklatura Commemorative Dictionary of Public Museums (cpv): Cpv: 431300-8 Roboty Construction W Zakresie Construction of the Wkresie Construction of the Common Dictionary of the I Rurociągówek of the Borders. 5th Gwarancja: Wymagany Period of Gwarancja Na Wykonane Roboty Construction I Za adapted Materiały – Minimum 36 Miesięcy – Maksymalnie 60 Miesięcy Od Daty Od Daty Oddabioru Koniec Robót Uwaga! Informs, Że Długość Udzielonej Gwarancja is Kryterium Wyboru Oferty Najkorzystnsze O Wadze 40 %. Który Zapropon is the longest period of the Gwarancja Ale Nie Dłuższy Niż 60 Miesię Otrzy Maksymalnie 40 Pkt. Który Zapropon argues the Confederacy period (36 Miesięcy) Otrzy 0 Pkt. Zamawianie Nie Dopuszcza Różnych Periodów Rękojmi I Gwarancja (okres Rękojmi I Gwarancja Maći Sam). The Rękojmi I Gwarancja Jakości is the Kryterium Oceny Ofertertary Ofertert
Closing Soon13 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Institute of Law and Innovation National Research Institute Tender

"O Zmianie Ogłoszenia Dostawa Drobnego Sprzętu I Akcesoriów Komputerowych Komputerów Komputerowych"
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Institute of Law and Innovation National Research Institute Tender

The announcement of the Dostawa W along with Montaż Fabryowo Nowych Regawnych Na Potrzeby Archives Iung – Pib W Puławachachachach
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Institute of Law and Innovation National Research Institute Tender

"Odniku Progressing Dostawy Successyevne Dostawy Paszy dla Bydła W Rzd Grabów w Po Department Na 10 Part of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
11-20 of 22 active Tenders