Tenders of Inss Direction Provincial De Barcelona

Tenders of Inss Direction Provincial De Barcelona

Inss Direction Provincial De Barcelona Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Building Construction
Closing Soon27 Feb 2025
Tender AmountEUR 24.6 K (USD 25.8 K)
Replacement and installation of the UPS of the Provincial Directorate of the INSS of Barcelona

Inss Direction Provincial De Barcelona Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Closing Date7 Apr 2025
Tender AmountEUR 131.1 K (USD 137.1 K)
Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Service in the Masonry Area on the Las Lagunillas Campus and Other Buildings in the City of Jaén

Inss Direction Provincial De Barcelona Tender

Security and Emergency Services
Closing Date7 Jan 2026
Tender AmountEUR 2.6 Million (USD 2.7 Million)
Comprehensive Security and Surveillance Service in Departments of the Provincial Directorate of the National Institute of Social Security (inss) of Barcelona

Inss Direction Provincial De Barcelona Tender

Energy, Oil and Gas
Closing Date4 Jun 2026
Tender AmountEUR 48.2 K (USD 50.4 K)
Service for the preparation of energy audits to improve the energy rating of buildings and premises attached to the Provincial Directorate of the Inss of Barcelona, as well as the preparation and registration of the corresponding energy certificate.

Inss Direction Provincial De Barcelona Tender

Furnitures and Fixtures
Closing Date4 Oct 2025
Tender AmountEUR 12 K (USD 12.5 K)
Supply of 200 footrests for the Provincial Directorate of the National Institute of Social Security (inss) of Barcelona.

Inss Direction Provincial De Barcelona Tender

Healthcare and Medicine
Closing Date4 Feb 2026
Tender AmountEUR 201.9 K (USD 211.2 K)
Services for carrying out various medical examinations (general, ophthalmological, otorhinolaryngological, gynecological and urological) to the personnel dependent on the Provincial Directorate of the National Institute of Social Security of Barcelona

Inss Direction Provincial De Barcelona Tender

Electrical and Electronics...+1Electrical Works
Closing Date3 Apr 2026
Tender AmountEUR 23.5 K (USD 24.6 K)
Supply and installation of magnetic loops in the workplaces of Caiss de Berga, Calella, Igualada, Martorell, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Eixample, Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Vic and Montcada I Reixac

Inss Direction Provincial De Barcelona Tender

Closing Date3 Jan 2026
Tender AmountEUR 1.2 Million (USD 1.3 Million)
Comprehensive Maintenance Service for the Units of the Provincial Directorate of the National Social Security Institute of Barcelona

Inss Direction Provincial De Barcelona Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Building Construction
Corrigendum : Tender Amount Updated
Closing Date4 Feb 2026
Tender AmountEUR 605.5 K (USD 633.4 K)
Drafting of the Basic and Execution Project and Subsequent Management of the Renovation and Updating Works of the Headquarters Building of the Provincial Directorate of the INSS of Barcelona, C/. Sant Antoni Mª Claret, Nº 5-11, Barcelona (comprehensive renovation of the ground floor to the 7th floor)

Inss Direction Provincial De Barcelona Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Building Construction
Closing Date3 Jul 2026
Tender AmountEUR 60.5 Million (USD 63.3 Million)
Drafting of the Basic and Execution Project and Subsequent Management of the Renovation and Updating Works of the Headquarters Building of the Provincial Directorate of the INSS of Barcelona, C/. Sant Antoni Mª Claret, Nº 5-11, Barcelona (comprehensive renovation of the ground floor to the 7th floor)