Tenders of Hospital Society St Vincenz Mbh St Vincenz Hospital Limburg
Tenders of Hospital Society St Vincenz Mbh St Vincenz Hospital Limburg
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Tenders of Hospital Society St Vincenz Mbh St Vincenz Hospital Limburg
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Tenders of Hospital Society St Vincenz Mbh St Vincenz Hospital Limburg
Hospital Society St Vincenz MbH St Vincenz Hospital Limburg Tender
Closing Date31 May 2023
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Public tender Vob/a Surface-covering of the Wlan-network - Priority 1 Surface-covering of the Wlan-network As a free-community hospital The main focus and Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus The Justus-l ... multi-surface-covering extension of the Wlan-network - Priority 1 Surface-covering extension of the Wlan-network As a free-use hospital The Clinic Is Oncological Focus With Certified Breast Centre And Includes About A Stroke Unit (Flower Acute Station.) Together With The Locations Diez (st. Vincenz Hospital Diez And Mwz) And Hadamar (mwz) And Our Logistics Center Medilog Works Around 1.880 Staff For Hospital Society St. Vincenz Mbh And your subsidiaries. The Clinic Takes As Largest Employer A Significant Position As Economic Factor The Region In The Past Years Were In St. Vincenz Konsequent Zukunftsweisende Weicht: Moderne Medizintechnik Supports The Doctors In Diagnostics And Therapy, New Gentle Treatment Methods Allow multiple outpatient procedures, In short: Through Development And Specialization In Allen Medical Areas, St. Vincenz has To further advance digitalization And The Hospital Future-capable To Design, Should The Wlan Network Be Extended. Several individual measures are required in the coming years. First measures (priority 1) Will Be The Op Department (main building 2.og), The Intensive Station (main building +bettenhaus Ost 2.og) And The Urology (main building 2.og) With new data connections For W-lan, medical technology, technology, administration and other concerns. Furthermore, the radiology (main building Eg) and emergency uptake/surgery (main building Eg) In the first measure to implement. In The Next Actions (priority 2) Should the endoscopy and neurology (1.og main building) And the main building 3.og be equipped. In a final measure (priority 3), the other areas will be renewed. The areas of Talbau (all projectiles) and Vascular Surgery (main building 1.og) Will not be considered further, Since here already measures were carried out in the area of The It Infrastructure. The measure Priority 1 enrolled.
Hospital Society St Vincenz MbH St Vincenz Hospital Limburg Tender
Closing Date23 May 2023
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Public procurement (supply) Procurement A network cancellation Procurement A network cancellation Relieving The currently used 3par and outsourcing of application databases A quick storage base Subject This procedure Is the purchase ... more purchase A network cancellation Relieving The used 3par and outsourcing of application databases A quick storage base Subject This procedure Is the procurement One network. Objective Is It, By The New, Faster, Network Storage The Hp 3par 8200 Existing since 2016 Relieving and Partially Dissolving. Especially Iop-loaded applications like e.g. databases Should be moved to the new storage solution, To enable storage space on the 3par Release And A Better Performance To Achieve applications. It is intended to equip both data centers with a storage system, So Dass About The Existing Infrastructure A Redundancy Can Be Built. The St. Vincenz Hospital uses server and network components of the manufacturer Hpe and Aruba. Subject Areas: - Blade Systeme - Storage Systems - Network Switches (access area) - Core-switche - Wlan Components The St. Vincenz Hospital Locates Technologically And Operationally In The Migration Phase The Storage, Server and Network Infrastructure. Currently the Storeserv system is connected via 4 controller nodes. The connection of the storages Successes Current and Future About The Synergy-bladecenter. A Quorum server is already available and should also be used for the New System. The Blade server As well as the entire Kis (hospital information systems) are linked to architecture
Hospital Society St Vincenz MbH St Vincenz Hospital Limburg Tender
Healthcare and Medicine
Closing Date2 Jan 2025
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Negotiated award with public participation competition (delivery service) Procurement of a high-end ultrasound diagnostic device for use in gynecology Procurement of a high-end ultrasound diagnostic device for use in gynecology (including delivery, assembly, commissioning and instruction) 1 high-end ultrasound diagnostic device for ... Additional procurement of a high-end ultrasound diagnostic device for use in gynecology (including delivery, assembly, commissioning and instruction) 1 high-end ultrasound diagnostic device for use in gynecology
Hospital Society St Vincenz MbH St Vincenz Hospital Limburg Tender
Healthcare and Medicine
Closing Date2 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Negotiated award with public participation competition (delivery service) Procurement of a high-end ultrasound diagnostic device for use in gynecology Procurement of a high-end ultrasound diagnostic device for use in gynecology (including delivery, assembly, commissioning and instruction) 1 high-end ultrasound diagnostic device for ... Additional procurement of a high-end ultrasound diagnostic device for use in gynecology (including delivery, assembly, commissioning and instruction) 1 high-end ultrasound diagnostic device for use in gynecology
Hospital Society St Vincenz MbH St Vincenz Hospital Limburg Tender
Civil And Construction...+3Civil Works Others, Consultancy Services, Civil And Architectural Services
Closing Date14 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Negotiated award with public participation competition (service) Extension of a hall to an existing logistics center - object planning Extension of a hall to an existing logistics center - object planning The object planner is to plan the extension of a hall to the existing Medilog logistics center on the existing site (Londoner Str. 6-8, 65552 Limburg an der Lahn) including all necessary services and statements and to accompany the implementation of the measure. The contracts are awarded in stages from Lp1 to Lp8. The current standards, the relevant regulations and the generally recognized rules of technology are to be taken into account in the planning.