Tenders of Grand Est Region

Tenders of Grand Est Region

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Tenders of Grand Est Region
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Tenders of Grand Est Region

Closing Date

2 May 2022

Tender Amount

Refer Documents 
Construction Of A Gymnasium Type B With Integration Of An Evolution Room - Restart Of Lot 04 Cover And 08 Interior Joinery Following Infurctuous

Closing Date

17 May 2021

Tender Amount

Maintenance and Maintenance of Doors, Gates and Automatic Barriers of the Great East Region - Recovery

Closing Date

22 Mar 2021

Tender Amount

EUR 1 Million (USD 1 Million)
Services For Hosting And The Development Of The Digital Services Package: Orientest.fr, Lorfolio.fr, Lorfolio.pro

Closing Date

15 Jun 2021

Tender Amount

EUR 480 K (USD 526.8 K)
Provision Of Assistance Market For The Public Innovation Process In The Grand Est Region: Co-design, Service Design And Training-action In These Methods
Education And Training Services

Closing Date

4 Mar 2024

Tender Amount

Refer Documents 
Acquisition D'équipements Audiovisuels Dans Le Cadre De La Rénovation, Modernisation Et Mise En Accessibilité De La Salle Des Délibérations (hémicycle) De L'hôtel De Région Situe À Metz (57)