Food Tenders

Food Tenders

Primary School No 29 Im Ignacego Moscickiego Tender

Description: "O Zmianie Umowy Dostawy Successywne Dostawy Articles of the Food and School No. 29 W Chorzów, Ul. Lwowska 36 – I/2021"
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Integration Kindergarten No 12 Named After Maria Montessori In Chorz W Tender

Description: "O Zmianie Umowy Dostawy Successywne Dostawy Articles of Food Accounts No. 12 Im. Maria Montessori W Chorzowie, Ul. Lipińska 9 – Ii/212020
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Primary School No 9 Tender

Description: "O Zmianie Umowy Dostawy Successywne Dostawy Articles of the Foods of the Doszkola Nr 9 W Chorzów, Ul. Omańkowskiej 9 – Ii/212021"
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Provincial Hospital St Luke SP ZOZ In Tarn w Tender

Description: The announcement of the Dostawa Progress of the Order is: the success of the Dostawa Articles of the Food, Makaron, Ryby, Mrożonki) for the War Hospital.
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Public Works and Government Services Canada Tender

Description: Kosher Foods (21401-228289/b)
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 


Description: The announcement of the Dostawa Dostawy Różnych Asortymentów Articles of the Food War of the Friends of the Friends of the Astronomical School of the Gastronomic Schools of the Gastronomiczno-hotelars
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

School Pre School Team In Sicily Tender

Description: As a result of the Progressing of Dostawa's successes of the Dostawa Articles of the Food Group, Na Potrzeby Szkolno-przedszkoliwnego Dolna Dostawa. In Siberia in Siberia
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Primary School No 9 Tender

Description: "O Zmianie Umowy Dostawy Successywne Dostawy Articles of the Foods of the Doszkola Nr 9 W Chorzów, Ul. Omańkowskiej 9 – Ii/212021"
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

17th Basic School Of John Paul II Tender

Description: "O Zmianie Umowy Dostawy Successywne Dostawy Articles of Foods No. 17 W Chorzów, Ul. Lagiewnicka 18 – Ii/212021"
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Main Inspectorate of Commercial Quality of Agricultural and Food Articles Tender

Purchaser Name: Main Inspectorate of Commercial Quality of Agricultural and Food Articles | The announcement of the Office of the Progress of the Office of the Medical Opieki Medics for the main Inspectorate of the Trade of the Rolno-spousecies of the Rolno-spouseciecies of the Rolno-spożycies
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
6831-6840 of 6905 active Tenders