Fire Tenders

Fire Tenders

Protecting Fire In Greenland Tender

Purchaser Name: Protecting Fire In Greenland | Description: Seeking the Dostawa One Average Samochodu of Special Fire, Ratowniczo – Gaśniskie 4x4 for the Lightguard of the Green Wind
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Region Syddanmark - DENMARK Tender

Description: Dynamic Shop System For Sale of Chemicals For Wastewater In Fire Gruber Under Kærgård Plantage
Closing Date25 Aug 2028
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Association Of Healthcare Facilities Tender

Description: As a result of the Progressing of the W Zakresie Protection of the Fizycz Osób, Mienia, Objects of Monitoringu W Pzzoz, Central Power System of Fire, Parkingu I Centrali Telefoni W objects.
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Local firefighters in Zagreb Tender

Description: Remont's report of the Office of the Workers' Construction Authority (W Budynku Komendy Komendy Komendy of the Municipal Fire Guard W Zabrzu) is the main building of the Gate of the Gate
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Fire Protection In Search Tender

Purchaser Name: Fire Protection In Search | The announcement of the Dostawa Dostawa Ratowniy Skutera Wodnego Wraz with Z Przyczepą Transportowa
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Minneapolis Tender

Description: "O Zmianie Ogłoszenia Modernization Aulau Szkół Nr 1 W Mińsku Mazowieckim, Do adapting the Object Zs Nr 1 Do Wymogów Protection Against Fire prevention"
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

District Museum In Sierra Leone Tender

Description: Inspection of the Office of the Inspector of the Nazarus, the construction of the Instalation Sygnalization of the Fire of W Tzw.kamikamienica Pojagiellońska Przy Uldominik 2 Na Dział Nr Ewid.203,203. 6 W Sieradz
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

State Fire Guard Command in Lublin Tender

Purchaser Name: State Fire Guard Command in Lublin | "Operation of Roboty Constructionlane Remont" (in Polish)
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

National Museum in Krakow Tender

Description: O Zmianie Ogłoszenia "poprawa Operation System of Fire Safety W Gmachu Main, Zlokalizowana Przy Al. 3 Maja 1 W Krakow" (in Polish)
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Warminsko Mazurski Wojewodzki Urzad In Olsztyn Tender

Description: "Operation of Robotic Construction" of the construction of the Point of the Czerpalny Wody Do Celów Against Fire Against the Borders W Bezledach W Bezledachach W Bezledach"
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
6521-6530 of 6628 active Tenders