Fire Tenders

Fire Tenders

12 State Fire And Rescue Departments Of The Main Administration Of The State Service Of Ukraine From Emergency Situations In The Donetsk Region Tender

Closing Soon20 Sep 2024
Tender AmountUAH 104.9 K (USD 2.5 K)
Автомобільний Бензин А-95 Та Дизельне Паливо, Згідно Коду Cpv За Дк 021:2015 Код 09130000-9: Нафта І Дистиляти

4 State Fire And Rescue Squad Of The Main Directorate Of The State Service Of Ukraine For Emergency Situations In The Lviv Region Tender

Closing Soon25 Sep 2024
Tender AmountUAH 45.5 K (USD 1.1 K)
Природний Газ

1 State fire and rescue department of the main administration of the state service of Ukraine from emergency situations in the Kirovograd region Tender

Closing Soon27 Sep 2024
Tender AmountUAH 546.5 K (USD 13.2 K)
Природний Газ Код Дк 021:2015:09120000-6 Газове Паливо

12 State Fire And Rescue Departments Of The Main Administration Of The State Service Of Ukraine From Emergency Situations In The Donetsk Region Tender

Closing Soon27 Sep 2024
Tender AmountUAH 3 K (USD 73)
Послуги З Ремонту Кпп На Транспортному Засобі Маз-530905-3225-061 Ац-4-60(530905)-515м (державний Реєстраційний Номер Ан 303 Е), Згідно Коду Cpv За Дк 021:2015 Код 50110000-9 Послуги З Ремонту І Технічного Обслуговування Мототранспортних Засобів І Супутнього Обладнання

2 State Fire And Rescue Department Of The Main Administration Of The State Service Of Ukraine From Emergency Situations In The Mykolaevsky Region Tender

Closing Soon26 Sep 2024
Tender AmountUAH 662.1 K (USD 16 K)
Природний Газ


Closing Soon25 Sep 2024
Tender AmountUAH 46.5 K (USD 1.1 K)
«послуга З Ремонту Та Обслуговування Паливної Системи Автомобіля Камаз 53228 (ац-40(53228)-264)».

The State Forest Company Tender

Software and IT Solutions
Closing Date26 Sep 2028
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Details: It is planned to acquire the Programming Services of Information Systems Used and Developed by Vmu (hereinafter - Purchase Object). Main Information Systems of the Customer, for which Programming Services are expected to be purchased: 3.1.1. "Miško Skaita" Information System of Forestry Works and Timber Accounting. "miško Skaita" works in the environment of the Windows Operating System and is supported by Client-Server Technology. Delphi Programming Technology is used. 3.1.2. Forest Fire Registration System. The system is implemented by Foxpro Technologies. 3.1.3. Nursery Data Management Computer Program "medelyndb". The program is implemented with Microsoft Access Technologies. 3.1.4. Accounting Is "db Accounting". Is Realized by Sap Advantage Database Server 12, C++, Clipper Technologies. The system is supported by the manufacturer, therefore only integrations with this system are expected from the side of other VMUs. 3.1.5. Nature Management Information System. It is implemented with Postgresql, Postgis and Qgis technologies.

Pa Stwowe Gospodarstwo Le Ne Lasy Pa Stwowe Reprezentuj Ce Skarb Pa Stwa Nadle Nictwo Zdroje Tender

Closing Date20 Oct 2024
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Details: The subject of the order are forest management services as specified in Art. 6 section 1 point 1 of the Act of 28 September 1991 On Forests (Journal of Laws 2023, item 1356) Covering works in the field of forest breeding, forest protection, nature protection, fire protection, wood harvesting and skidding, side use of the forest and maintenance of forest parking lots to be performed in the Zdroje Forest District in 2024 Forests: Kudowa, Lewin, Zdrój, Bobrowniki, Orlica. The detailed Scope of Work is specified in Annexes No. 2 and 3 to the Specification available on the Ordering Party's website. The Ordering Party envisages the possibility of awarding orders referred to in Art. 214(2). 1 point 7 of the Public Procurement Law, within a period of 3 years from the date of awarding the Basic Order. The Material Scope of the Services constituting the Subject of the Orders referred to in the previous sentence will not exceed 80% of the Value of this Order. The Procurement Is Related To A Project And/or Program Financed By European Union Funds: No

DP 5 Sovereign Fire Ritual Zagin Of The Head Office Of The Sovereign Service Of Ukraine In Emergencies Near The Kiev Region 5 DPRZ Tender

Closing Soon24 Sep 2024
Tender AmountUAH 300.5 K (USD 7.2 K)
(наявність Азс На Території Міста Бровари Та Броварського Району Не Менше 3 Шт.) Врахувати Пдв - 0% (згідно З Вимогами Постанови Кабінету Міністрів України Від 02.03.2022 № 178 «деякі Питання Обкладення Податком На Додану Вартість За Нульовою Ставкою У Період Воєнного Стану»)

5 State Fire And Rescue Guilt Of The Headquarters Of The State Service Of Ukraine For Extraordinary Situations In The Chernigovsk Region For The Protection Of Objects Tender

Closing Soon27 Sep 2024
Tender AmountUAH 456.5 K (USD 11 K)
Пожежні Рукави Напірні Діаметром 150 Мм Клас 3 З 2грн-150
6061-6070 of 6100 active Tenders