Finland Tenders

Finland Tenders

Pohjois pohjanmaan Sairaanhoitopiirin Kuntayhtym Tender

Closing Date31 Oct 2028
Tender AmountNA 
Northern Hospital Hospital The municipality (continued Ppshp) establishes a Dynamic Purchase System (dps) that is targeted by Ultrasonic Equipment and associated Devices and Services. “All applicants submitting an application for infringement who comply with the Applications Set for Providers.” The duration of the dynamic purchasing system is 72 months. """ at the start of the dynamic purchasing system Applications for participation At least 30 days from the date on which the purchase notice was sent for publication.vaihe the establishment phase, it is not possible to make changes to the dynamic purchasing system. Move to the purchase phase on November 4, 2020 First Acquistettavas are planned to be completed in 2022. "", "Dynamic Procurement System Inisi Deposits" shall .ify the In Mu.scribers and the Products to be intettavaed. “Dynamic Procurement System Divided into nine (9) For each other, Ultrasonic equipment suitable for independent class (party):" - So 1: Gynnologicali Catäy 2: Ultrasonic devices suitable for the study of the fetus", "-class 3: Ultrasonic equipment suitable for the study of the heart and therapy" - Catäy 4: General Ultrasonic devices Catiy 5: Ultrasonic devices suitable for canying and small gazettes" - Catiy 6: Ultrasonic equipment suitable for Urologicali Cat Uy 7: Ultrasound Equipment for Eye Exploration Cattettäväy 8: Ultrasonic devices connected to a separate terminal device, Cateny 9: Ultrasonic equipment suitable for soft tissue surgery", "The content of the dynamic purchasing system is described in more detail in the request for injury and its Annexes (Annex 4 Description of the Purchase Description). “A candidate can apply for a single class or more classes with one application. Candidates must notify the "Crin of the Acquisn" In which category/class the applicant submits the application. The Candidate shall submit to each of the Required Candidates’ Applicability and Conformity of the Request for Reproduction. '''''',''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''The operation of the hospital circuit moves on 1 January 2023 to the welfare area of the North-Based Country. In this context, the contract system and contracts are transferred to the Continuer of Operations. "Further information on the welfare area: Https:///North-based well-being

Satakunnan Hyvinvointialue Tender

Closing Date30 Apr 2028
Tender AmountEUR 1.6 Million (USD 1.6 Million)
Finland-pori: Laboratory Services

HUS Yhtym Tender

Civil And Construction...+2Others, Building Construction
Closing Date31 Dec 2026
Tender AmountNA 
The Municipal Corporation of the Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital District Establishes a Dynamic Procurement System (hereinafter referred to as Dps) for the Procurement of Rooftop Centers. Accessories are also procured for Existing Equipment. ","","The products to be procured are defined in more detail in each Dynamic Procurement System Internal Competition.","","rooftop centers The Dynamic Procurement System Is Valid Until 31 December 2026, Unless It Is Shortened Or Extended With A Separate Notice.

Hansel Oy Tender

Closing Date14 Dec 2025
Tender AmountNA 
Daycare - School Furniture 2021-2025 (dps)

Keituri Social Services Ltd Tender

Others...+3Civil And Construction, Civil Works Others, Construction Material
Closing Date17 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Finland – Health And Social Work Services – Ikäihmisten Ympärivuorokautiset Asumispalvelut Ja Yhteisölliset Asumispalvelut

P Ij T H Meen Hyvinvointialue Tender

Others...+1Civil Works Others
Closing Date30 Dec 2031
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Finland – Health And Social Work Services – Ikääntyneiden Kotihoidon Palvelujen Hankinta

L Nsi Uudenmaan Hyvinvointialue Tender

Closing Date7 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Finland – It Services: Consulting, Software Development, Internet And Support – Turvallisen Kriittisen Viestinnän Järjestelmän Hankinta

Etel Pohjanmaan Hyvinvointialue Tender

Others...+2Civil And Construction, Civil Works Others
Closing Date24 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Finland – Repair, Maintenance And Associated Services Of Vehicles And Related Equipment – Henkilö- Ja Pakettiautojen Huolto- Ja Pesupalvelut, Palveluntuottajarekisterin Vuosittainen Avaus 2024

Lapin Sairaanhoitopiirin Kuntayhtym Tender

Transportation and Logistics
Closing Date31 Dec 2028
Tender AmountEUR 10 Million (USD 10.3 Million)
Finland-rovaniemi: Transport Services (excl. Waste Transport)

Sansia Oy Tender

Closing Date6 May 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
The dynamic purchasing system for bioprotectives
1361-1370 of 1380 active Tenders
4.6 / 5 Star
Rated by 2,635customers
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