Tenders of Employees State Insurance Corporation
Tenders of Employees State Insurance Corporation
Employees State Insurance Corporation - ESIC Tender
Electrical Cables And Wires...+1Electrical and Electronics
Closing Date11 Jan 2025
Tender AmountINR 2.2 Million (USD 25.6 K)
CATEGORY: Cable Laying 1 , Cable Laying 2 , Cable Laying 3 , Cable
Laying 4 , Cable Laying 5 , Cable Laying 6 , End Termination
, Street LIGHT , Sintex Box , LED FLOOD LIGHT , Down Light
1 , Bollard Light , Down Light 2 , LED Tube Set , Gate Light ,
Exit Sign light , Glowsign board , Civil work
Employees State Insurance Corporation - ESIC Tender
Chemical Products
Closing Date17 Jan 2025
Tender AmountINR 3 Million (USD 35 K)
CATEGORY: FT3 , FT4 , TSH , Vitamin D3 , Vitamin B12 , Hybritech PSA ,
LH , FSH , Access B12 Cals , Vit D3 Cals , Anti TPO cals ,
Access Hybritech PSA Cal Kit , Access Prolactn Cals , Access
LH calibrator , FT3 cal , FT4 cal , ACCESS Wash Buffer II 4 x
1950 m , Access Reaction Vessels 16 X98 , SAMPLE CUPS
0.5ML 1000 , SAMPLE CUPS 2ml 1000 , TSH cal , Substrate ,
Citranox , Contrad 70 , FSH Calibrator
Employees State Insurance Corporation - ESIC Tender
Healthcare and Medicine
Closing Date17 Jan 2025
Tender AmountINR 248.2 K (USD 2.8 K)
CATEGORY: Aural Dressing forceps , Ear speculum set of 4 OD 3 to
7.5mm 1 set each of Hartmann and Gruber , Eustachian
catheter , Higginson s syringe , Holmes spary , IDL mirrors ,
Instruments for caloric test stop watch thermometer douche
can , Jobson horne probe , Killian nasal speculum , Litchwitz
s trochar and cannula , Machintosh laryngoscope , Metallic
syringe , Nasal packing forceps , Posterior rhinoscopy
mirrors , Siegel speculum set of 4 , Suction tip set of 4 for
nose , Suction tip set of 4 for ear , Thudiculum nasal
speculum set of 4 , Tongue depressor set of 4 , Tunning fork
256 512 1024 , Angular scissors curved , Asche foreceps ,
Aufricht s nasal retractor , Ballenger sviwel knife , Nasal
gouges , Blacksley cheek retractor , Cottle osteotome ,
Cottle elevators , Cottle knife and retractor , Cottle lateral
retractor , Cottle nasal knife , Cottle retractor , Cottle 2
prong retractor set of 2 , Cottle scissor curved , Ethmoidal
foreceps straight upturn 45 and 90 degree set of 3 , Orbital
wound retractor for ethmoidectomy , Thudicum nasal
speculum set of 4 , Freer s Knife , Heymann nasal scissor ,
Henckel s Punch foreceps , Jansen septum foreceps , Joseph
nasal saws left and right , Joseph scissor curved , Joseph
masing elevator , Punch foreceps set of 4 , Nasal hump
foreceps , Killian nasal foreceps set of 4 , Langenback
retractors set of 2 , Lucs foreceps set of 3 , Mallet , Cheisel
straight curved right and left , Masing nasal knife , Nasal
packing foreceps , Nasal rasp fine and coarse , Needle
holder , Perichondrium elevator , Roungeur , Scissor delicate
blade curved , Sphenoid punch , Thomson nasal speculum ,
Suction cannula set of 5 , Suction elevator with stylete ,
Turbinectomy scissors , Walshamm s foreceps , Double hook
retractor , Langenback retractor sat of 2 , Small artery
foreceps , Suction cannula , Tracheal dilator , Thyroid hook ,
Volkmann retractor 4 prongs , Cuffed and uncuffed
tracheostomy tubes
571-580 of 650 archived Tenders