Electrical Tenders

Electrical Tenders

Roc West brabant Tender

Electrical and Electronics...+1Electrical Works
Details: Tenders are invited for Das Hire Specialists For Housing - Electrotechnical Installations Welcome to the DAS for the hiring specialists in the field of Housing - Electrotechnical installations for ROC West-Brabant. Through this DAS, various specialists in the field of Housing - Electrotechnical installations are legally hired. This aims to appeal to a variety of providers and to bring together supply and demand in the best possible way. This concerns all hiring in the field of specialists within Housing - Electrical installations for ROC West-Brabant. It is not possible to have a financial value here. Main activity:-education
Closing Date13 Dec 2099
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Prosper Tender

Security and Emergency Services
United Kingdom
Details: Contract: Dynamic purchasing system (dps) for compliance & facilities management services Prosper seeks to establish a dynamic purchasing system (dps) for compliance & facilities management services for use by its members and other public sector contracting bodies within north east of england, cumbria, and north yorkshire. The dps comprises the following sections / categories (lots): section 1 - compliance • lot 1 - heating services • lot 2 - legionella and water hygiene management and cyclical testing section 2 - soft fm • lot 3 - cleaning services • lot 4 - grounds maintenance and landscaping services section 3 - hard fm • lot 5 - electrical services • lot 6 - extraction and ventilation services • lot 7 - security systems, servicing and maintenance section 4 - full fm service provision • lot 8 - full fm service
Closing Date28 Apr 2030
Tender AmountGBP 250 Million (USD 310.4 Million)

Places for People Tender

United Kingdom
Details: Contract: building materials and associated services dps Places for people group limited for itself and on behalf its present and future subsidiaries (the contracting authority) and all other bodies identified in the paragraph ii.2.1). places for people group ltd are seeking suitably qualified providers of building materials and associated services. it is intended that the dynamic purchasing system will be capable of being used by contracting authorities in the united kingdom. the dps will be for a period of 10 years and has been separated into the following product based lots 1. building materials 2. plumbing and heating materials 3. electrical materials 4. one stop shop 5. tool and plant hire 6. gas and heating spares 7. hire of fixed scaffold suppliers will be expected to be able to provide a wide range of products within the lot which they are applying.
Closing Date24 Dec 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

City Of Public Works Department Cortez Tender

United States
Details: Tenders are invited for installing raised centerline medians and improving pedestrian crosswalks within 5 existing intersections in the downtown area along us 160 (main street) as well as build one new mid-block crosswalk across us 160. the mid-block crossing will utilize a pedestrian refuge in the centerline median and be further enhanced with rapid rectangular flashing beacons (rrfb). additionally, downtown alleys within one-half block of main street between these five intersections will be re-constructed with concrete pavement. scope of work includes removal and reconstruction of approx. 4,700 sy of existing concrete and asphalt paved roadway surfaces; installation of approx. 1,700 lf of raised curb median sections; and replacement of approx. 440 sy of ada curb ramps in compliance with the cdot policy for americans with disability act accessibility guidelines along with removal/replacement of adjacent curb and gutter. the project also includes storm drain inlet adjustments, new pavement striping, new traffic control devices/signs, and new electrical equipment/conduit. Notes: there will be a mandatory pre-bid walk-through at 2:00 pm on wednesday, april 4, 2018. bidders shall meet at the city service center at 2:00 p.M. to sign in, prior to the walk-through.Cdot pre-qualification of contractor is required for this project. Prebid: 04/04/18 2:00 pm prebid mandatory: yes Bid date & time: 04/18/28 3:00 pm
Closing Date18 Apr 2028
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Prosper Tender

Civil And Construction
United Kingdom
Details: Tenders are invited for Dynamic purchasing system (dps) for the supply and distribution of materials The Authority seeks to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the Supply and Distribution of Materials for use by its Members and other Contracting Bodies within the North East of England, Cumbria, and North Yorkshire. The DPS comprises the following Lots: • Lot 1 – Civils and Ground Works •Lot 2 – Building Materials •Lot 3 – Kitchens •Lot 4 – Timber & Joinery • Lot 5 – Windows • Lot 6 – External Doors •Lot 7 – Roofing materials •Lot 8 – Plumbing & Heating • Lot 9 – Gas Parts • Lot 10 – Electrical Materials •Lot 11 – Wall & Floor Tiling •Lot 12 – Painting & Decoration •Lot 13 – Glass •Lot 14 – Garden & Landscape •Lot 15 – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) •Lot 16 – Hand and Power Tools • Lot 17 – Cleaning materials •Lot 18 – Renewables •Lot 19 – Full Provision Estimated contract dates: 17/09/2018 end date 17/09/2028
Closing Date17 Sep 2028
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Prosper Tender

Civil And Construction...+2Consultancy Services, Civil And Architectural Services
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
United Kingdom
Details: Tenders are invited for Dynamic Purchasing System (dps) For Design And Consultancy Services The Authority seeks to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for design and consultancy services for use by its Members and other Public Sector Contracting Bodies within the UK. The DPS comprises the following lots: — Lot 1: Architect Services, — Lot 2: Engineering (Civil and Structural), — Lot 3: Surveying (All Forms), — Lot 4: Health and Safety [including Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015], — Lot 5: Ground Investigation and Remediation Services, — Lot 6: Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Design, — Lot 7: Energy Assessments, — Lot 8: Ecological Assessment and Reporting, — Lot 9: Employer's Agent, — Lot 10: Principal Designer [Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015]. General public services
Closing Date14 Apr 2029
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
9481-9490 of 9486 active Tenders