Tenders of Department Of Defence Production
Tenders of Department Of Defence Production
Department Of Defence Production Tender
Paints and Enamels
Closing Date7 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
CATEGORY: VITA AMBRIA PLUNGERS , Vita Ambria S Ingots shade A2 ,
Vita Ambria S Ingots shade A3 , Vita Ambria S Ingots shade
B1 , Vita Ambria S Ingots shade C1 , Vita Ambria S Ingots
shade A3 point 5 , Investment material for pressable
ceramic system powder 25 pkt with liquid 1 Ltr , Ring former
silicon medium 100 gm , Ring former silicon medium 200
gm , Vita Lumex Shade 50 gm Veneering material Shade A1
, Vita Lumex Shade 50 gm Veneering material Shade A2 ,
Vita Lumex Shade 50 gm Veneering material Shade B2 ,
Vita Lumex Shade 50 gm Veneering material Shade C3 ,
Vita Akznet Plus Glaze Powder 5 gm , Vita Glaze Liquid 20
ml , Carbon free wax for all ceramic , Bego Wax sprue 2
point 5 mm , Vita modelling liquid 1000 ml , Vita classic PFM
paste opaque 5 gm Shade A2 , Vita classic PFM paste
opaque 5 gm Shade A3 , Vita classic PFM paste opaque 5
gm Shade B1 , Vita classic PFM paste opaque 5 gm Shade
B2 , Vita classic PFM paste opaque 5 gm Shade C2 ,
Sintered Diamond Bur Set of 06 for all Ceramic , Vita VMK
Master Shade 50 gm Enamel Dentine , Ceramic finishing kit
set of 12
Department Of Defence Production Tender
Closing Date8 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
CATEGORY: 017 x 025 Crimpable Hooks Long 10 by pkt , 019 x 025
Crimpable Hooks Long 10 by pkt , Ligature elastic pkt of
500 , Elastic Separators , Intra oral Elastics Blue 1 by 4 to
3point5 Oz 1000 by pk , Intra oral Elastics Red 3 by 16 to
3point5 Oz 1000 by pk , Intra oral Elastics Yellow 5 by 16 to
3point5 Oz 1000 by pk , IPR Diamond Burs 0point3 mm to 7
by pk , Blue to Bite composite , Niti open coil spring
0point012 X 0point030 thickness wire spool 15 inches ,
Upper NiTi Arch Wire 014 pkt of 10 , Upper NiTi Arch Wire
016 pkt of 10 , Upper NiTi Arch Wire 018 pkt of 10 , Lower
NiTi Arch Wire 014 pkt of 10 , Lower NiTi Arch Wire 016 pkt
of 10 , Lower NiTi Arch Wire 018 pkt of 10 , Upper NiTi Arch
Wire 016x22 pkt of 10 , Lower NiTi Arch Wire 016x22 pkt of
10 , Upper NiTi Arch Wire 017x25 pkt of 10 , Lower NiTi Arch
Wire 017x25 pkt of 10 , Upper SS Arch Wire 014 pkt of 10 ,
Upper SS Arch Wire 016 pkt of 10 , Upper SS Arch Wire 018
pkt of 10 , Lower SS Arch Wire 014 pkt of 10 , Lower SS Arch
Wire 016 pkt of 10 , Lower SS Arch Wire 018 pkt of 10 , Arch
wire SS pre to formed ideal arch form Upper 0point016 x
0point022 inch rectangular , Arch wire SS pre to formed
ideal Arch form lower 0point016 X 0point022 inch
rectangular , Preformed molar Band in Box with prewelded
two slot molar tube size 35 to 40 plus containing 200 bands
with 50 of each quadrant , Preformed molar Band in Box
with prewelded three slot molar tube size 35 to 40 plus
containing 200 bands with 50 of each quadrant , Archwire
sleeve 0point031 , Rotation wedges Pkt of 50 , Power Scope
Class II Corrector Pkt of 10 , Forsus Fatigue resistant device
Size 25 , Forsus Fatigue resistant device Size 29 , Forsus
Fatigue resistant device Size 32 , Self holding Mini screw
and TAD 1point3 mm driver instrument , Self holding Mini
screw and TAD 1point5 mm driver instrument , Self holding
Mini screw and TAD 2point0 mm driver instrument
41-50 of 166 active Tenders