Tenders of Delhi University
Tenders of Delhi University
Delhi University - DU Tender
Chemical Products
Closing Date4 Jan 2025
Tender AmountINR 500 K (USD 5.8 K)
CATEGORY: Sulphuric Acid , Hydrochloric Acid , Nitric Acid , Potassium
Chloride , Potassium Hydroxide , Potassium Iodide ,
Phenolphthalein , Safranine , Cotton Blue , Aceto Carmine ,
Fast Green , Silver Nitrate , Calcium Nitrate , Diphenylamine
, Ferric Chloride , Hydrogen Peroxide , Magnesium Chloride ,
Magnesium Sulphate , Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate ,
Ammonium Chloride , Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate ,
Formaldehyde , Indo Acetic Acid , Gibberellic Acid , Bovine
Serum Albumin , Potassium Chromate , Manganese
Sulphate , Sodium Thiosulphate , Sodium Sulphate , Sodium
Iodide , Agar Agar , LB Broth , EDTA , Phenol , Iso amyl
Alcohol , Ethyl Alcohol , Calf Thymus DNA , YM agar , YM
medium broth , RNase A Solution 10mg ml , Nutrient broth ,
Ethanol molecular grade , 1 kb DNA ladder size 50ug 500ul ,
100bp DNA ladder MBT049 200LN , Abscisic Acid , Lactic
Acid , Glycerine , Ammonium Nitrate , Potassium Nitrate ,
Calcium Chloride , Boric Acid , Zinc Sulphate , Sodium
Molybidate Dihydrate , Cobalt Chloride , Super Phosphate ,
Kinetin , lndole Butric Acid , Benzyl Amino Purine , Acetone
AR , Acetic Anhydride , Acetic Acid AR , Benzene , Copper
Sulphate AR , Chloroform , Cerric Ammonium Nitrate AR ,
Lead Chloride AR , Methyl Acetate AR , a Naphthol ,
Potassium Ferricynide , Potassium iodide , Potassium
Hydrogen Sulphate , Phthalic Acid , Potassium Sodium
Tartrate AR , Schiffs Reagent , Semicarbazide Hydrochloride
, Trichloro Acetic Acid , L Valine , Bromine , Gold Chloride ,
Thiamine Hydrochloride , Lactose AR , Silver Chloride AR ,
Hydrochloride Acid AR , Sodium Carbonate , Phenol Red PH
Indicator PH 6point8 8point4 Yellow to Red , Copper Acetate
LR , Pott Sod Tartrate , Temed , Mercuric Oxide Red LR ,
Folin and Ciocateus Phenol Reagent FCP , Ammonia Solution
25 percent AR , Ammonium Oxalate , Test Tube with Rim 18
x150 Borosilicate Qntity 100 pcs in one box , Anti
AplusBplusD RH Monoclonal , Xylene AR , n Butyal Alcohol ,
2dash6 Dichlorophenol Indophenol Sodium Salt , Methanol
ER , Iso Proponal Alcohol , Pott Oxalate , Silver Nitrate MW
169point87 , Methyl Orange Indicator Solution , Glass slide
Blue Star 75mm Long x 25mm wide Thickness 1point35mm
, Tissue Roll , Eppendrop 1point5ml , PCR kit , PCR Tube
0point5 ml , ELISA Kit , Micro Tips 1000 Microlitre Blue ,
Micro Tips 200dash1000 ul Yellow , Micro tips 10dash100
White , Autoclave Bag 22 x 25 inch Thick Plastic ,
Aluminium Foil Thick , pH Paper Indicator Paper Ph 2 dash
10 point 5 , Gloves Disposable , Disposable Surgical Masks ,
Sterilise Petriplates Plastic , Slides Microscopic
76mmx26mmx1mm , Cover slips Nnumber 1 comma 18mm
, Micropipettes 5 dash 10 Mirorliteres , Micropipettes 10
dash 100 microliteres , Micropipettes 100 dash 1000
Microliters , Blotting Paper ordinary Heavy , Beaker 250ml
Borosil , Beaker 500ml Borosil , Reagent bottle With Stopper
125 ml Narrow Mouth , Ouchterlony Double Diffusion
Teaching Kit for Antibody Titration 15 expts 6107000011730
, Resorcional , Lactose Broth , Luria Broth , 1 dash 10
Phenanthroline Monohydrate , Glycerine LR , Petri dish
100x15 mm Product code 13165077 , Nitric Acid HNO3 ,
Serological Water Bath Thermostatically Controlled double
wall 60x30x17 point 5 for 8 racks , Sahli Haemometer ,
Burette 25 ml Blue Cap , Iron stand with 3 finger clamp , Hot
Plate 10x16 inch Shape Rectangular Simple , RBC Pipette ,
Reagent bottle With Stopper 250 ml Narrow Mouth
Delhi University - DU Tender
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Closing Date2 Jan 2025
Tender AmountINR 983.7 K (USD 11.4 K)
Provision Of Power Points And Led Fitting In Room No. 112, 118, 134 And 135 At Cie Experimental Basic School, Department Of Education, University Of Delhi
331-340 of 407 archived Tenders