Tenders of Commune De Yaounde V

Tenders of Commune De Yaounde V

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Tenders of Commune De Yaounde V

Commune De Yaounde V Tender

Closing DateNA
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Decision No. 003/cay5/cipm/2022 of 05/29/2023 relating to the award to Ets Befidi Et Fils Du Marche following open national call for tenders No. 001/aono/pu/cay5/cipm/2023 of March 29, 2023 for Work to develop mobility and connectivity routes in the Omnisports District (Safca – Oyack Rail crossroads) in the district commune of Yaounde 5, Mfoundi Department, Center Region

Commune De Yaounde V Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Decision No. 008/cay5/cipm/2023 of 06/29/2023 Awarding to Ets Obagi the Letter of Order Placed After National Call for Tenders Open in Emergency Procedure No. 005/aono/pu/cay5/cipm /2023 From 05/11/2023 For the Development Work of a Public Garden Space in the Fouda District “Jouvence 2000” in the District Commune of Yaounde 5, Mfoundi Department, Center Region

Commune De Yaounde V Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Bearing Award To Ets Mtsde The Letter of Order Placed After Open National Call for Tenders in Emergency Procedure No. 004/aono/pu/cay5/cipm/2023 of 05/11/2023 For the Development Works of a Motorcycle Park And Green Space In The Ngoulmekong (fougerol) Neighborhood In The District Commune Of Yaounde 5, Mfoundi Department, Center Region

Commune De Yaounde V Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Press Release Publication of the Result of the Open National Call for Tenders No. 005/aono/pu/cay5/cipm/2023 of May 11, 2023 for the Development Works of a Public Garden Space in the Fouda “Jouvence 2000” District In the district commune of Yaoundé 5, Mfoundi Department, Center Region.

Commune De Yaounde V Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Addendum No. 001/aono009/cay5/cipm/2023 of 06/25/2023 relating to the National Call for Tenders in Emergency Procedure n°009/aono/pu/cay5/cipm/2023 of 06/29/2023 For Rehabilitation work on the section of the collapsed wall and the block of two classrooms at the public school of Ngousso-ngoulmekong in the district commune of Yaounde V.