Tenders of Commune De Belel
Tenders of Commune De Belel
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Tenders of Commune De Belel
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Tenders of Commune De Belel
Commune De Belel Tender
Closing DateNA
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Notice of National Open Call for Tenders No. 015/aono/cb/sg/st/cipm/2023 Dated 07/25/2023 Relating to the Acquisition of a Land Cruiser Vehicle (Pkado) on behalf of the Municipality of Bélel, Department of La Vina, Region of Adamaoua (in emergency procedure), financing: Feicom and own funds of the municipality of Bélel Fiscal year: 2023
Commune De Belel Tender
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Communiqué No. 06/c/cb/sg/2023 of 08/10/2023 Publication of the Result of the Tender File for the Road Rehabilitation Project Section: Goura Gadji-belel Over a Line of 3,100km Municipality of Belel, Financed by Bip, Financial year 2023.