Description: "Dostawa Zakup Laptopów do Programu Cyfrowa Municipala – Wparcie Children Z Rodzin Popegeerowski Popegeerowski". In the Civil Development Development, Granty Ppgrgr
Description: The announcement of the Dostawa Komputerów Station, Laptopów Oraz Tabletów W Ramach Realization Project Grant "Granty Ppgr – Children I Wnuków was a member of the Workers' Development Program" in the Civil Development Project
Purchaser Name: Office of Prosecutor of Civil Rights | "Operation of Dostawy Wynajem Długoterminowy Samochodu Osobowy for the Office of the Rights of Citizens"
Description: "O Zmianie Ogłoszenia Dostawa Sprzętu Komputerowego dla Gminy Jutrosin w Ramach Projectu Grantowy Wsparcie Children Z Rodzin Pegeerowski" (in Polish). In the Civil Development Development, Granty Ppgrgr
Description: "Dostawy Zakup Sprzętu Komputerowego w Ramach Projectu Pn: "The Children of the Family of Pegeerowski In the Development of Civil Development – Granty Ppgr"
Description: Construction Of Boundary Wall And Other Allied Civil Works At Belgharia 33/11kv Sub-station Under Barrackpore Division In 24pgs(n) Region, Wbsedcl.