Civil Tenders
Civil Tenders
Gmina Opatowek Tender
Description: "O Zmianie Ogłoszenia Dostawa Sprzętu I Oprogramowanie w Ramach Projektu Cyfrowa Municipala" (in Polish). In Ramach Act 5.1 The Distribution of the Cyfrowy Jst Oraz, the strengthening of the Civil Reporality of Na Zagrożenia
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Gmina Cisek Tender
Description: "Operation of the Dostawy Zakup I Dostawa Sprzętu Komputerowego Wraz Z Oprogramowanie W Ramach Projectu Wsparcie Children Z Rodzin Pegeerowski Przętu Komputerowego Wraz z Oprogramowanie w Ramach Projektu Wsparcie Children Z Z Rodzin Pegeerowski Pgeerowskiowskiicherowski" The Civil Development: Granty Ppgr
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA
GMO apple Tender
Description: "Operation of Dostawa Zakup Sprzętu Komputerowego w Ramach Grantowy Project of Civil Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality of the Municipality
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA
9201-9210 of 9279 active Tenders