Tenders of City Of Frankfurt Am Main Office For Construction And Real Estate
Tenders of City Of Frankfurt Am Main Office For Construction And Real Estate
City Of Frankfurt Am Main Office For Construction And Real Estate Tender
Public tender Vob/a Outdoor facility 1 Earthworks 1 Production 10 Subgrade production 7420 m² 20 Clearing of bushes 150cm 20 St 30 Clearing of small bushes 200 m² 40 Loosening of soil according to profile, AI 100 Cbm 50 Soil analysis acc. Ebv - Soil ... Multi-outdoor facility 1 Earthworks 1 Production 10 Subgrade production 7420 m² 20 Clearing of bushes 150cm 20 St 30 Clearing of small bushes 200 m² 40 Loosening of soil according to profile, AI 100 Cbm 50 Soil analysis acc. Ebv - Soil 1 St 2 Foundation, substructure 1 Sealing and cladding 10 Protective layer made of PE foam 580 M 20 Joint tape made of PE foam 580 M 3 Superstructure, covering layers 1 Paths 10 Paved pavement sidewalk Removal 100 sqm 20 Gravel base layer post-treatment 100 sqm 30 Paved surface sidewalk laying 100 sqm 40 Deep curb concrete 8/25/100 160 m 50 Curb lowering 12 m 60 Asphalt gutter 12 m 70 Sidewalk lowering 30 sqm 80 Cycle path coating 30 sqm 90 Cyclist marking 1 pc 100 Cut concrete paving 120 m 2 Paths, squares 10 Subgrade creation 4080 sqm 20 Subsurface compaction 4080 sqm 30 Gravel base layer 30-40cm 1560 cbm 40 Deep curb concrete 8/25/100 2140 m 50 Deep curb concrete 8/40/100 120 m 60 Concrete grass paving 1090 sqm 70 Chippings joint paving 24/16/8 Grey 1300 M² 80 Paving surface 24/16/8 Grey 1390 M² 90 Paving strips 24/16/8 520 M 100 Eaves strips Concrete slabs 260 M 110 Concrete smooth finish 20 M 120 Cutting the paving stones 600 M 130 Adjusting the paving strips 80 St 140 Cutting the deep curbs made of concrete 60 St 150 Pictogram plate for wheelchair users 1 St 160 Marking parking spaces 7 St 170 Mosaic paving, granite 20 M² 3 Playground areas 10 Excavation of play areas 80 Cbm 20 Creating the subgrade 700 M² 30 Compacting the subsurface 700 M² 40 Gravel base layer 0/45 40cm 340 M² 50 Gravel base layer as drainage 360 M² 60 Waterg. Path surface 340 sqm 70 Playground surface made of wood chips 360 sqm 4 Building structures 1 Fences 10 Ball stop fence 350cm 30 m 20 Wire mesh fence 260 m 30 Fence - corner posts 5 pcs 40 Fence - corner design 4 pcs 50 Fence - fitting pieces 16 pcs 60 Fence - gradation 40 pcs 70 Gate system two-wing, 500/160 1 pc 80 Gate system two-wing, 400/160 1 pc 90 Gate system one-wing, 125/160 1 pc 100 Gate system one-wing, 100/160 1 pc 2 Staircases 10 Trenches for foundation 24 m 20 Foundation for block steps 24 m 30 Block step concrete 100cm 24 pcs 40 Allowance for contrast stripes 24 m 50 Section of the block step 2 St 3 Wall constructions 10 Trenches Foundation wall angle 50 M 20 Strip foundation of the wall angle 50 M 30 Wall angle 55cm 9 M 40 Wall angle 80cm 4 M 50 Wall angle 105cm 9 M 60 Wall angle 130cm 8 M 70 Wall angle 155cm 20 M 80 Section of the wall angle 10 St 5 Technical systems 1 Waste water systems 10 Trenches for drainage channel 100 M 20 Drainage channel 46 M 30 Drainage channel manufacture 16 St 40 Section of the drainage channel 16 St 50 Infiltration channel 32 M 60 Substrate filling for infiltration channel 2 Cbm 70 Soil for infiltration channel filler 4 Cbm 80 Infiltration channel filler 8 St 90 Covers adapt, Square 5 Pcs 100 Adjusting covers, round 12 Pcs 110 Support ring for shafts 12 Pcs 2 Electrical systems 10 Foundation for mast lights 21 Pcs 20 Foundation for bollard lights 3 Pcs 30 Bottom of trenches for cables 400 M 40 Laying underground cables 400 M 50 Installing cable protection covers 400 M 60 Sand filling trenches 400 M 70 Inserting warning tape on sand cover 400 M 6 Installations in outdoor facilities and open spaces 1 General installations 10 Strip foundation for bicycle stands 33 M 20 Bicycle stands one-sided 26 Pcs 30 Bicycle stands two-sided 40 Pcs 40 Bollards made of steel 3 Pcs 50 Bollards made of steel - removable - 6 Pcs 60 Bench-table combination 17 Pcs 70 Foundation for bench 24 Pcs 80 Garden bench without backrest 12 Pcs 90 Tool shed approx. 270 x 520cm 1 pc 100 Tool shed approx. 235 x 400cm 2 pcs 110 Green roof for tool shed 30 sqm 2 Special fittings 10 Parasol 6x6 9 pcs 20 Parasol 4x4 2 pcs 30 Sun sail for shading Play equipment 2 pcs 40 Play equipment climbing combo large 1 pc 50 Bouldering wall 1 pc 60 Table tennis table square 2 pcs 70 Table tennis table round 1 pc 80 Play equipment bird's nest swing 1 pc 90 Play equipment bird's nest swing mini 1 pc 100 Play equipment 4-way horizontal bar 1 pc 110 Play equipment children's combo with slide 1 pc 120 Streetball facility 2 pcs 130 Play equipment small field goal 2 pcs 140 Acceptance of play equipment 1 Psch 7 Vegetation areas 1 Vegetation-related soil cultivation 10 Loosening subsoil 2020 sqm 20 Leveling vegetation area 2020 sqm 30 Forming processing area - infiltration trough 690 sqm 40 Installing fill soil according to profile 410 cbm 50 Installing topsoil according to profile 610 cbm 60 Filling grass pavers with substrate mixture 40 cbm 70 Fine subgrade for planting area 1260 sqm 2 Planting work 10 Excavation for standard tree 130 cbm 20 Filling planting pit with tree substrate 130 cbm 30 Planting standard tree 48 pcs 40 Anchoring plants with stake tripod 48 pcs 50 Protecting standard trees from evaporation 48 pcs 60 Planting solitary trees, height 150-200cm 460 pcs 70 Hedge trees 100-125 plants 180 pcs 80 Planting woody plants, height 60-100cm 1155 St 90 Planting woody plants, height 40-60cm 3500 St 100 Fertilizing the planting area 1210 sqm 110 Mulching the shrub areas with bark mulch 1210 sqm 5 Development care 10 Maintaining standard trees 1920 St 20 Watering standard trees 2880 St 30 Fertilizing standard trees 384 St 40 Maintaining the crown of standard trees 192 St 50 Maintaining the planting area 12100 sqm 60 Watering the planting area 18150 sqm 70 Fertilizing the planting area 2420 sqm 80 Cutting the hedges 120 M 90 Re-mulching the planting area 1210 sqm 100 Winter care 3940 sqm 6 Lawn work 10 Lawn subsoil 760 sqm 20 Sowing grass with herbal lawn 760 sqm 30 Sowing grass with parking lot lawn 1090 sqm 40 Mowing parking lot lawn, 1st cut 1090 sqm 50 Nitrogen fertilization of lawn 1090 sqm 7 Final lawn care 10 Mowing utility lawn 10900 sqm 20 Mowing herbal lawn 1520 sqm 30 Watering the lawn 10900 sqm 40 Fertilizing the lawn 2180 sqm 50 Winter care 1520 sqm 8 Other measures for outdoor facilities and open spaces 1 Construction site setup 10 Construction site setup 1 St 2 Demolition measures 10 Concrete foundations on site 5 Cbm 3 Material disposal 10 Soil disposal Z2 360 T 20 Concrete demolition disposal 10 T 30 Construction waste disposal 5 T
Closing Soon12 Mar 2025
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City Of Frankfurt Am Main Office For Construction And Real Estate Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Others
Public tender VOB/A scaffolding work for an energy-efficient roof renovation on a 3-storey school building, construction site setup The Minna-Specht-Schule (MSS) in Frankfurt am Main is to be renovated to be more energy-efficient, as the classrooms, especially on the 2nd floor of the classroom building, overheat severely in the summer months. Various improvement measures are planned to upgrade the building: flat roof renovation with extensive greening; installation of solar collectors. The renovation will take place during the Hessian summer holidays in 2025.
Closing Date18 Mar 2025
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City Of Frankfurt Am Main Office For Construction And Real Estate Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Public tender Vob/a roof area: - new roof structure with vapor pressure equalization layer, - insulation panels 0 degree roof as retention roof with substructure for rainwater storage - extensive green roof on substrate - renewal ... Multi-roof area: - new roof structure with vapor pressure equalization layer, - insulation panels 0 degree roof as retention roof with substructure for rainwater storage - extensive green roof on substrate - renewal and raising of the parapet - renewal of the roof-wall connections to the parapet - renewal of the rainwater drains and roof penetrations The Minna-Specht-Schule (MSS) in Frankfurt am Main is to be renovated to make it more energy efficient, as the classrooms, especially on the 2nd floor of the classroom building, overheat considerably in the summer months. Various improvement measures are planned to upgrade the building: flat roof renovation with extensive green roofing; installation of solar collectors. The renovation will take place during the Hessian summer holidays in 2025.
Closing Date18 Mar 2025
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City Of Frankfurt Am Main Office For Construction And Real Estate Tender
Public tender Vob/a Protective measures, demolition of skirting boards, demolition of floor coverings, demolition of screed including underfloor heating, demolition of separating layer, demolition of impact sound insulation, demolition of thermal insulation; demolition of tiles, demolition of wall plaster ... Additional protective measures, demolition of skirting boards, demolition of floor coverings, demolition of screed including underfloor heating, demolition of separating layer, demolition of impact sound insulation, demolition of thermal insulation; demolition of tiles, demolition of wall plaster Protective measures, demolition of skirting boards, demolition of floor coverings, demolition of screed including underfloor heating, demolition of separating layer, demolition of impact sound insulation, demolition of thermal insulation; demolition of tiles, demolition of wall plaster
Closing Soon12 Mar 2025
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City Of Frankfurt Am Main Office For Construction And Real Estate Tender
Public tender Vob/a Temporary dismantling of glass panes in light ceilings and subsequent reassembly, temporary installation of plexiglass panes, replacement of damaged glass panes in light ceilings - partly in conjunction with ... Multi-temporary dismantling of glass panes in light ceilings and subsequent reassembly, temporary installation of plexiglass panes, replacement of damaged glass panes in light ceilings - partly in conjunction with small-scale metalwork Temporary dismantling of 259 pieces of glass panes in light ceilings with an average area of approx. 0.9 m² each, storage and subsequent reassembly of 174 pieces, temporary installation of 85 pieces of plexiglass panes, replacement of 85 pieces of damaged glass panes in light ceilings with 4 pieces of metal rails
Closing Soon6 Mar 2025
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City Of Frankfurt Am Main Office For Construction And Real Estate Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Public tender Vob/a The two-storey wooden module system at the former Berkersheimer School is to be relocated to the Zentgrafenschule. The work includes the dismantling, relocation and reassembly of the system. The wooden module system to be relocated consists of two above-ground floors, each with a floor area of around 60 m². The system will be activated by the media on site and must then be relocated from Berkersheimer Untergasse 18 to the Zentgrafenschule. At the new location, there are already new foundations calculated for the system, on which the system must be set up and connected. Any necessary interior work is included in the service.
Closing Date3 Apr 2025
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City Of Frankfurt Am Main Office For Construction And Real Estate Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Public tender Vob/a After construction work has been completed (demolition of 3 wooden pavilions, installation of 2 new wooden modules), the school yard in this area will be redesigned. After demolition of 3 wooden module systems, 2 wooden module systems will be installed in the school yard. Both the fallow areas and the areas around the new wooden module system will be redesigned. In total, this is around 1,500 m². The work includes demolition of surfaces, paving work, planting work, and installation of play equipment.
Closing Soon11 Mar 2025
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11-20 of 21 active Tenders