Tenders of Caue Var
Tenders of Caue Var
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Tenders of Caue Var
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Tenders of Caue Var
Closing Date22 Apr 2022
Tender AmountNA
La Présente Consultation En Accord-cadre Multi-attributaires : Architectes, Urbanistes, Paysagistes Manufacturers, Sociologists, Economists, Etc. A For Purpose To Select a List of Services Providers from Caue Var Destined to assist him In his Consulting and Supporting Missions Communities In Their Choices of Achievement Studies or Renovation Works, Construction or Development.
Closing Date25 Nov 2022
Tender AmountRefer Documents
La Présente Consultation En Accord-cadre Multi-attributaires : Architectes, Urbanistes, Paysagistes Manufacturers, Sociologues, Economists, Etc. A For Purpose To Select a List of Services Providers from Caue Var Destined to assist him In his Consulting and Supporting Missions Communities In Their Choices of Achievement of Studies or Work of Renovation, Construction or Development. These Council Missions Are In No Cases of Work Mastery Missions At the Sense of the Code of Public Order. These are Destined Missions To Assist the Communities and Masters of work In Their Decision-making And to Accompany them in their Pre-reflexion. They may take Various Forms (cf. Dce)
Closing Date10 May 2021
Tender AmountNA
La Présente Consultation En Accord-cadre Multi-attributaires : Architectes, Urbanistes, Paysagistes Manufacturers, Sociologues, Economistes ...a Pour Objet De choisir Une Liste des Prestataires De Services Du Caue Var Destinés À L'assister Dans Ses Missions De Conseil et D'appuiment Des Collectivités Dans Their Choices De réalisation D'études ou De Travaux De Rénovation, De Construction ou D' aménagement. These Council Missions Are In No Cases of Work Mastery Missions At the Sense of the Code of Public Order. With regard to a Framework Agreement with Subsequent Markets, Only the Holders of the Framework Agreement Are Habilities To Present a Offer And Become the attribute (co-contractor and sub-contractor), But None Detient The exclusivity of Needs. Etablit From La Survenance Needs, Subsequent Markets will not obey To No Predefined Frequency, nor to No Distribution Keys. Each Sollicitation of Holders of the Framework Agreement Represents a Self-Procedure to Respond to a Special Need. Implicity Notice The establishment of a Subsequent Markets Framework Agreement. Note: Le Caue Var Se Réserve La Possibility To Use Thirds For Some Types of Benefits Unplanned At this Framework Agreement Or On The Same Benefits If No Owner Responds to the Subsequent Markets In The Deadlines Mentioned At Le Cahier Des Charge Des Dits Marchés Or No Offer Appropriated. The Buyer Can Place a Market Without Advertising or Prerequisite Competition In Cases Fixed By Order In Council of Etat When In Reason Notably Of Existence Of a First Unsuccessful Procedure, of a Particulent Urgence, of its Object or of its Estimated Value, Respect for such a Procedure Is Useless, Impossible or Manifestly Contracted to the Interests of the Buyer or to a General Purpose (Law 2020-1525 From December 7, 2020).
Closing Date27 Jan 2023
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Agreement - Multi-Attribute Framework: Architects, Urbanists, Landscapers, Economists. Selection To Make Part Of The List Of Service Providers From Caue Var Au Titre De L'année 2023 Pour L'assister Dans Ses Missions De Conseil à Travers La réalisation D'études ou De Travaux Divers À L'exclusion De toutes Missions De Maîtrise D'oeuvre. The Candidates will be able to present an offer for one or more Lots. Se Reporter Au Lot. Le Caue Var Se Réserve La Possibility To Use Thirds For Some Types of Benefits Unplanned At this Framework Agreement Or On The Same Benefits If No Holder Responds to Subsequent Markets In The Deadlines Mentioned At Le Cahier Des Charge Des Dits Marchés ou Qu' aucune Offer N'est Appropriée
Closing Date20 Dec 2023
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Agreement - Multi-awardee framework: Architects, Town planners, Landscapers, Economists. Selection to be part of the list of Caue Var service providers intended to assist it in its advisory and support missions for communities in their choices of carrying out studies or renovation, construction or development work . Candidates will be able to submit an offer for one or more lots. Refer to Lot. These consultancy missions are in no way project management missions within the meaning of the Public Procurement Code. These are missions intended to assist communities and project owners in their decision-making and to support them in their preliminary thinking. The multi-awardee framework agreement is broken down into lots, described below. Each candidate can submit an offer for one or more lots.