Description: "Operation of the Robotic Construction Authority: "building of the Ulutical Documentation" of the Project Office of the Robót Construction of the Robót Construction For Zadanie Pn: "The construction of the Uluncient Office"
Description: "Operation of Roboty Constructionlane Roboty Building Robotic Construction Authority Na Potrzeby Catholic University of Lubelskiego Jan Paul Iii". Na 3 part of the division
Description: "Operation of Robotic Construction" "building I Modernization of the Do Gruntów Rolnych W Obrębie Tarnawka Dz. O Ewid. 32/43/6 Oraz Wykonanie Nawierzchni Asfaltowa W Obrąbawka Dz
Description: "Operation of the Robotic Construction Building" of the construction of the Olightenment (drogal) Na Terenie Municipality of Konstancin-jeziorna W 2022 R. Etap 2.