Tenders of Banaras Hindu University
Tenders of Banaras Hindu University
Banaras Hindu University - BHU Tender
Healthcare and Medicine
Closing Date4 Feb 2025
Tender AmountINR 3.8 Million (USD 43.8 K)
CATEGORY: Endoscopy Accessories for Gastroenterology , Biliary Guide
wire , Stone Extenction Balloon , Precut needle knife , EVL
Band , Inj Glue , Endo Clip Hemo clip 135L , Sclerotherapy
needle 21G , Sclerotherapy needle 23G , Cytology Brush
Wire Guided , Sohendra Biliary dilutor , Sohendra Biliary
dilutor 10 Fr , Teurmo Guide Wire , Colonic Cathetor 230 cm
, Mouth Gurd GAS , Pancreatic Stent , Pancreatic Stent 5 Fr
x 7 cm , Pancreatic Stent 7 Fr x 9 cm , Pancreatic Stent 7 Fr
x 7 cm , Pancreatic Stent 7 Fr x 12 cm , Pancreatic Stent 10
Fr x 10 cm , Biliary Stent DPT 10 Fr x 5 cm , Biliary Stent
DPT 10 Fr x 7 cm , Biliary Stent DPT 7 Fr x 7 cm , Biliary
Stent DPT 7 Fr x 10 cm , Biliary Stent Streight 10 Fr x 7 cm ,
Biliary Stent Streight 7 Fr x 7 cm , Biliary Stent Streight 7 Fr
x 12 cm , Biliary Stent Streight 7 Fr x 10 cm , Biliary Stent
Streight 10 Fr x 10 cm , Biliary Stent Streight 10 Fr x 12 cm
, CRE Pxloric 10 x 12 , CRE Colonix 12 x 15 , CRE Esophagial
15 x 18 , Spring tip steel guide wire , Biliary CRE , EVL Band
1-10 of 38 active Tenders