Tenders of Asl Ta Area Gestione Tecnica

Tenders of Asl Ta Area Gestione Tecnica

ASL TA Area Gestione Tecnica Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Procedure Negotiated By Telematically Expounding On Piattiaforma Empulia For Reliance of the Triennial Service of Ordinary Maintenance and Extraordinary of the Electromedical Equipment of Construction Olympus Italia S.r.l. Located at the Sanitarie Structures of Competence Dell’asl Taranto. Cig: 9435255abb.

ASL TA Area Gestione Tecnica Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
“Procedura Open From Expand In Telematic Maniera Through Empulia Platform For Reliance of the Ordinary Maintenance Service of All Areas Green of the Local Sanitaria Company of Taranto”. C.i.g. 926098241c

ASL TA Area Gestione Tecnica Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Procedure Open From Telematically Expand On Piattiaforma Empulia For Reliance of the Triennial Service of Ordinary Maintenance and Extraordinary of Electromedical Equipment of Construction Philips S.p.a. Located at Le Sanitarie di Competenza Dell’asl Taranto. Cig: 92185246a8.

ASL TA Area Gestione Tecnica Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Procedure Open From Telematically Expand On Piattiaforma Empulia For Reliance of the Three-year Ordinary Maintenance Service and Extraordinary of Fujifilm S.p.a. Located at Le Sanitarie di Competenza Dell’asl Taranto. Cig: 9218514e65

ASL TA Area Gestione Tecnica Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Procedure Open From Telematically Expand On Piattiaforma Empulia For Reliance of the Triennial Service of Ordinary Maintenance and Extraordinary of Electromedical Equipment of Construction Olympus Italia S.r.l. Located at the Sanitarie Structures of Competence Dell’asl Taranto. Cig:9218224f14.