Tenders of Anand Agricultural University
Tenders of Anand Agricultural University
Anand Agricultural University - AAU Tender
Food Products
Closing Date24 Jul 2024
Tender AmountINR 622.2 K (USD 7.4 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
CATEGORY: Catering service (Event Based) - Breakfast; Veg; Regular
Buffet , Catering service (Event Based) - Lunch; Veg;
Regular Buffet , Catering service (Event Based) -
Snacks/High Tea; Veg; Regular Buffet
Anand Agricultural University - AAU Tender
Chemical Products
Closing Date23 Feb 2024
Tender AmountINR 500 K (USD 5.9 K)
CATEGORY: Methyl or Ethyl decanoate - 200mg , Methyl or Ethyl laurate
- 100mg , Methyl or Ethyl myristate - 100 mg , Methyl or
Ethyl palmitate - 1 G , Methyl or Ethyl stearate - 1 G , Methyl
or Ethyl ricinoleate - 1 ml , Methyl or Ethyl oleate - 5 G ,
Methyl or Ethyl linoleate , alph linolenic acid - 1 G , Methyl
or Ethyl arachidate - 1 G , Alpha- Terpineol - 100 mg , alpha
-Pinene - 100mg , Alloocimene - 1 g , Trans-caryophyllene -
1 ml
Anand Agricultural University - AAU Tender
Food Products
Closing Date23 Feb 2024
Tender AmountINR 170.8 K (USD 2 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
CATEGORY: potato dextrose broth Packing size 500g , Starch agar
Packing size 100g , Nutrient agar Packing size 500g ,
Nutrient broth Packing size 500g , Agar agar Packing size
500g , Gram Stain kit Packing size 125 ml , Protease Packing
size100mg , Cellulase Packing size 5KU , Perafim Packing
size 4inch X 125ft roll , Thioglycoliate Packing size 5000g ,
Thioglycollate Agar Packing size 500g , Soyabean Casein
Digest Broth Packing size 500g , Soyabean Casein Digest
Agar Packing size 100g , Pot. Sod. Tartaratete trahydrate
Packing size500g , Hydrochloric acid LR Packing size2.5 lit ,
Sulphuric acid LR Packing size 2.5 lit , Nitric acid AR Packing
size 2.5 lit , Sodium hydroxide pellete AR Packing size 5 kg ,
Magnesium Chloride anhydrous AR Packing size 500g ,
Potassium Iodide AR Packing size 250g , Iodine
monochloride AR Packing size 100g , Acetic acid Glacial AR
Packing size 2.5 lit , Starch soluble AR Packing size 500g ,
Acetone AR Packing size2.5 lit , Acetone LR Packing size 2.5
lit , Sodium biselenite Bacteriological grade Packing size
100g , Copper sulphate Packing size 500g , Casein LR
Packing size 500g , Trichloroacetic acid AR Packing size
500g , Folin Cioealteu Phenol reagent LR Packing size 500ml
, Dinitrosalicylic acid color reagnt AR Packing size 25g ,
Dinitrosalicylic acid color reagnt AR Packing size 500g ,
Methanol Packing size 4 lit , Water Packing size 4lit
1-10 of 333 archived Tenders