Supply of Various Chemical Products for the Martigues Water Treatment Plant and the Ranquet Drinking Water Filtration Plant of the Aix Marseille Provence Marseille Metropolitan Water Authority
Supply of furniture from reuse or repurposing (second-hand furniture) of all types such as tables, desks, armchairs, chairs, boxes, cupboards and others.
Supply of Various Chemical Products for the Martigues Water Treatment Plant and the Ranquet Drinking Water Filtration Plant of the Aix Marseille Provence Marseille Metropolitan Water Authority
Intellectual Services Market - Anticipation of Ecological Compensation Needs in the Metropolitan Territory: Methodological Framework and Creation of an Ecological Compensation Offer
France – Engineering Studies – Assistance À Maîtrise D'ouvrage Pour Le Contrôle Des Concessions Pour Les Réseaux D'énergie Métropolitains (gaz - Electricité)