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University Of Plymouth Tender

Civil And Construction...+2Consultancy Services, Civil And Architectural Services
United Kingdom
Description: Advertising And Marketing Services - Dynamic Purchasing System (dps)
Closing Date2 Apr 2029
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Partnerships British Columbia Tender

Details: Request for Qualifications e-Advertisement: Closing Date: 30/04/2025 17:00
Closing Date30 Apr 2025
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Stadt Pforzheim Tender

Details: Prior information notice without call for competition: Construction work for swimming pool Description of the procurement: The client carries out a process of expressing interest in order to give private investors the opportunity to express their interest in the construction and operation of a year-round pool in Pforzheim. This expression of interest procedure is not a procurement law tender in the sense of procurement law (GWB, VOB / A EU, VgV or KonzVgV) and is not a prior information notice according to RL 2014/24 / EU or RL 2014/23 (cf. § 12 EU VOB / A, § 38 Abs. 4 VgV, § 22 Abs. 1 KonzVGV), but only for a budgetary market investigation. The process of expressing interest does not entitle or oblige the public body or interested parties to carry out the project. Rather, the procedure serves to prepare the decision of the public body to initiate a possible award procedure, since the investor / operator must be advertised in accordance with the relevant public procurement regulations (GWB, KonzVgV or VOB / A EU). The subject of this declaration of interest is the construction and operation of a year-round pool (combination pool) in Pforzheim as a replacement or addition to the existing outdoor pool on the Wartberg (Wartberg outdoor pool). The year-round pool should be maintained and operated by the investor for an agreed period after completion. The city of Pforzheim operates several indoor and 2 outdoor pools in the Pforzheim area. The tasks of operating, leasing and maintaining the public indoor swimming pools, outdoor pools and saunas are the responsibility of the Pforzheim public transport and swimming pool company (EPVB). The municipal council of the city of Pforzheim has dealt with the bathing situation in Pforzheim several times in the past years. For this purpose, detailed information was developed and made available, especially in the draft resolutions: - Q 0377 Pool Strategy Concept 2020, compilation of the current state of the pools in the city of Pforzheim (2015); - Q 0758 Selection of strategic recommendations for action as a basic drawer for developing a pool strategy - location analysis (2016); - Q 1181 Assessment report baths - Financial framework (2017); - R 0190 Further pool development (2020). In a fractional change to the template R 0190, the following decision was made regarding the Wartbergfreibad site: The administration is commissioned to hold and conclude talks with investors for the Wartberg outdoor pool, which aim to develop the Wartberg outdoor pool into a combined pool that allows both summer and winter use without having to do this with the city~s own resources . The operating and follow-up costs must neither burden the EPVB~s budget nor that of the city. In order to map the interests and needs of the Pforzheim population in type, size and use of the water surface and to reconcile them as closely as possible wit
Closing Date16 Jan 2029
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Medway Council Tender

United Kingdom
Details: Tenders are invited for working with medway council faq This project is the overarching faq on how medway council’s procurement works.This should answer all generic queries that any one supplier could have in regards to any project advertised by medway council.Should it not answer your questions, please do not hesitate to message us through either this project’s messaging feature on the portal or email categorymanagement@medway.Gov.Ukthe faq list is updated when new queries are answered to avoid duplicate questions. Estimated contract dates: 04/06/2018 end date 31/12/2028
Closing Date31 Dec 2028
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Ministry Of Citizens Services Tender

Software and IT Solutions
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
Details: Request for qualifications e-advertisement: Closing date: 31/12/2025 14:00
Closing Date31 Dec 2025
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Ministry Of Citizens Services Tender

Software and IT Solutions
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
Details: Request for Qualifications e-Advertisement: request for qualifications e-advertisement Closing Date: 31/12/2025 14:00
Closing Date31 Dec 2025
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Hull City Council Tender

United Kingdom
Details: Tenders are invited for taxi & small bus services. dps This advertisement is to join the taxi & small bus services dynamic purchasing system (dps).Kingston upon hull city council (the authority) is seeking providers to supply & deliver transport services for education and social care. the authority intends to establish a dynamic purchasing system ...Ty. providers will be required to accept the service terms and conditions when bidding for contracts under the dps.If you are interested in applying to join this dps please ensure you register your interest as well as completing and submitting the standard selection questionnaire for this dps. Estimated contract dates: 04/11/2016 end date 03/11/2026
Closing Date3 Nov 2026
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Ministry Of Citizens Services Tender

Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
Details: Request for Qualifications e-Advertisement: Closing Date: 31/12/2025 14:00
Closing Date31 Dec 2025
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Kirklees Council Tender

Security and Emergency Services
United Kingdom
Details: Tenders are invited for kmchs-245 - dynamic purchasing system for the purchase/lease hire (and maintenance) of traffic safety cameras within the west yorkshire region Kirklees council on behalf of the west yorkshire casualty prevention partnership (wycpp) are seeking to set up a dynamic purchasing system (dps) to secure appropriate arrangements for the supply and maintenance of safety cameras throughout the west yorkshire region.The cameras are to support th... at 13:00 hours, after this date the council reserve the right to issue further competitions - as the dps is open for applications at any time whilst it s in use. please note that the advertised closing date is only relevant to the initial deadline and may be disregarded after that date has passed. Estimated contract dates: 01/11/2019 end date 31/10/2024
Closing Date31 Oct 2026
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
3221-3230 of 3229 active Tenders