Announcement of the Order for the Adaptation of the Asp Building at ul. Smolensk 9, In Krakow For the Needs of Disabled People - Design Documentation with Conservation Agreements, Building Permit, Detailed Design
Execution of construction works in the Design and Build formula for the task of modernization of emergency and evacuation lighting in the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts building complex in Krakow
Announcement of a Delivery Order Successful Delivery of Adobe Software Licenses for the Organizational Units of the Academy of Fine Arts. Jan Matejko in Krakow
Announcement of the Order for Delivery of Computer Software and Consoles for the Organizational Units of the Academy of Fine Arts. Jan Matejko in Krakow
Adaptation of the Asp building at ul. Smolensk 9, In Krakow For the Needs of Disabled People - Design Documentation with Conservation Agreements, Building Permit, Detailed Design
Announcement of the Order for Delivery of Computer Hardware, Computer Accessories and Software for the Organizational Units of the Academy of Fine Arts. Jan Matejko in Krakow
Announcement of the Supply Order Successful Delivery of Computer Accessories for the Organizational Units of the Academy of Fine Arts. Jan Matejko in Krakow