Tenders of A O U Policlinico Bari Area Approvvigionamenti E Patrimonio

Tenders of A O U Policlinico Bari Area Approvvigionamenti E Patrimonio

A O U Policlinico BARI Area Approvvigionamenti e Patrimonio Tender

Closing DateNA
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Art. 51 Co. 1 Letter A) Sub 2.1 of Law No. 108/2021 - Request for Supply for Sino Submissions At 31.12.2024 (for Two Years and Eight Months) Of Material Used For Equipment In Equipment At the University Hospital of Bari, Di Cui Al Lotto 7 Of the Voluntary Notice For The Transparency Ex Ante Approved Right Deliberation of the Dg N.55/2022. Cig 9220133672

A O U Policlinico BARI Area Approvvigionamenti e Patrimonio Tender

Closing DateNA
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Negotiated by Starting Ai Sensi Art.36 Comma 2 Lett.a) Del D.lgs.50/16 As Reviewed By L.120/20 Conversion of the Decree “simplification”n.76/20 And As Modified by D.l.77/2021, For Acquisition of” Disposable Sterili Hands For Prick Test” Needed to the U.o.d. Of University Allergology (right By 22.03.2022 Authorized by the Health Direction with Prot.n. 0029760 of 29.03.2022) Cig: Z543631f1e

A O U Policlinico BARI Area Approvvigionamenti e Patrimonio Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Art. 51 Co. 1 Letter A) Sub 2.1 of Law No. 108/2021 - Request for Supply for Sino Submissions At 31.12.2024 (for Two Years and Eight Months) Of Material Used For Equipment In Equipment At the University Hospital of Bari, Di Cui Al Lotto 9 Of the Voluntary Notice For Transparency Ex Ante Approved Right Deliberation of the Dg N.55/2022(Table 1) And Sino At 31.12.2022 The Cui Product at Table 2. Cig 9212210c2c

A O U Policlinico BARI Area Approvvigionamenti e Patrimonio Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Art. 51 Co. 1 Letter A) Sub 2.1 of Law No 108/2021 - Request for Supply In Sino Administration Al 1.06.2023 Of Material Used For Equipment In Equipment In Equipment In Equipment At the company Ospedaliero Universitaria Policlinico di Bari, Di Cui Al Lotto 13 Of the Voluntary Notice For Transparency Ex Ante Approved Right Deliberation of the Dg N.55/2022. Cig 92267971c2

A O U Policlinico BARI Area Approvvigionamenti e Patrimonio Tender

Closing DateNA
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Gara Europea A Procedura Aperta Telematica, Ai Sensi Dell’art. 60 Del D.lgs 50/2016 E Smi, Per La Fornitura Di “materiale Diagnostico Per Uso Di Laboratorio”, Occorrente Per Le U.u.o.o. Policlinico Di Bari E Ospedale Pediatrico “giovanni Xxiii”.

A O U Policlinico BARI Area Approvvigionamenti e Patrimonio Tender

Closing DateNA
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Art. 51 Co. 1 Lett. A) Sub 2.1 of Law No. 108/2021 - Supply Request For Sino Supply At 31.12.2024 Material Used For Electrical Drilling Equipment, Producer Aeu-aesculap Ag, Model 67-gd 670 Miscrosped"- Oc 300094975, In Equipment At the University Hospitaller Company Of the Voluntary Notice For the Transparency Ex Ante Approved Right Deliberation of the Dg N.55/2022. Cig 92358028e9

A O U Policlinico BARI Area Approvvigionamenti e Patrimonio Tender

Closing DateNA
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Procedura Aperta Per La Conclusione Di Un Accordo Quadro Per La Fornitura Biennale Di “dispositivi Impiantabili Attivi Per La Funzionalità Cardiaca” Occorrenti All’a.o.u.c. Policlinico Di Bari. Gara N. 8527737.
11-20 of 17 active Tenders