Tenders of 02150 Bucharest

Tenders of 02150 Bucharest

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Tenders of 02150 Bucharest
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Tenders of 02150 Bucharest

Closing Date

6 May 2021

Tender Amount

Refer Documents 
Preparing A Procurement Procedure For Providing, With Installation And Commissioning Of A No. Of Integrated Maritime Communications Systems, As Well As A Number Of Integrated Communications System C
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified

Closing Date

25 Dec 2022

Tender Amount

RON 1.9 Million (USD 436.2 K)
Furnizare, Instalare Și Punere În Funcțiune Sistem Modular Dislocabil Cu Destinația Sală De Mese 250 Persoane

Closing Date

17 Dec 2021

Tender Amount

RON 6.1 Million (USD 1.3 Million)
Servicii De Transport Aerian Persoane

Closing Date

20 Sep 2021

Tender Amount

Refer Documents 
Integrated Communications System For Ships

Closing Date

17 Nov 2022

Tender Amount

RON 6.1 Million (USD 1.3 Million)
Romania-bucurești: Air Transport Services