Tender Results of Wien Energie Gmbh
Tender Results of Wien Energie Gmbh
Wien Energie GmbH Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Test system for the implementation of various planning and other engineering services § 256 Bvergg 2018 - The objective of the present test system is to include suitable and qualified entrepreneurs in the test system for the implementation of various planning and other engineering services in accordance with the relevant application documents.
Wien Energie GmbH Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
WE-4200318900 Framework agreement without purchase obligation for software and program updates of a control and visualization system - The aim of the procedure is to conclude a framework contract without purchase obligation with up to two partners for software and program updates for a control and visualization system. Corrected
Wien Energie GmbH Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Framework agreement in accordance with Section 208 BVerG 2018 with up to two partners for the delivery of “Sicom” spare parts - The aim of the procurement procedure is to conclude a framework agreement with up to two partners for the delivery of “Sicom” spare parts to Wien Energie GmbH in the greater Vienna area.
Wien Energie GmbH Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
WE-4200318900 Framework agreement without purchase obligation for software and program updates of a control and visualization system - The aim of the procedure is to conclude a framework contract without purchase obligation with up to two partners for software and program updates for a control and visualization system.
Wien Energie GmbH Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
WE-4200311610 Collaboration Call 2023 der Wien Energie GmbH mit Impact Hub Vienna GmbH - Die Innovation Challenge #7 ist ein von der Wien Energie GmbH in Kooperation mit dem Climate Lab erstelltes Accelerator-Programm zur strukturierten und effizienten Entwicklung innovativer Lösungen. Das Programm wird in Kooperation mit dem Climate Lab bzw. mit dem Impact Hub Vienna GmbH durchgeführt. Nach Abschluss des Programms werden WE und die betreffenden Bewerber das Potenzial einer möglichen weiteren Kooperation prüfen.
Wien Energie GmbH Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Green Transformation – JV (Joint Venture) - Establishment and operation of a planning and engineering company as a partner of Wien Energie GmbH (“Intended Joint Venture”) and various project planning / implementation / service provision to achieve planned decarbonization goals
Wien Energie GmbH Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
WE- 4200314562 Delivery of cable, pipe and hose laying - The aim of the award procedure is the conclusion of a framework agreement without an obligation to purchase with up to two partners for the delivery of consumable cable, pipe and hose laying for storage locations of Wien Energie GmbH in the greater Vienna area.
Wien Energie GmbH Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
WE- 4200321627 Children's magazine Captain Energy Express - The aim of the award procedure is to conclude a framework agreement with up to two partners on the content of the children's magazine "Captain Energy Express" from Wien Energie GmbH.
81-90 of 183 active Tender Results