Tender Results of West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Tender Results of West Yorkshire Combined Authority
West Yorkshire Combined Authority Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date19 May 2023
Contract AmountNA
Request Title: Convention of the North 2024 - Venue Hire-Venue hire and services for hosting the Convention of the North 2024. Cost also includes room hire, catering, AV, public wifi, venue event management support. In March 2024, West Yorkshire will host the annual Convention of the North conference. The requirements of our venue search have been based on specific attendee numbers, venue and tech capability and in particular, security provision for to the high profile on a number of VIPs. A venue search across West Yorkshire was undertaken t...
West Yorkshire Combined Authority Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date8 May 2023
Contract AmountGBP 36 K (USD 45.6 K)
Bus insights and business skills case study-To procure a series of twenty case studies from across our transport and economic growth areas of work.
West Yorkshire Combined Authority Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 May 2023
Contract AmountGBP 150 K (USD 182.8 K)
Regional Econometric Model-The West Yorkshire Combined Authority is seeking proposals of a Regional Econometric Model which provide economic, demographic, environmental and labour market data, and forecasts at national, regional and local levels. This will include detailed sector, occupations, and skills level breakdowns. It should also provide the functionality to enable WYCA to model scenarios based on economic inputs, to understand what impact they will have on the economy.
West Yorkshire Combined Authority Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date24 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 5 Million (USD 6 Million)
Land and Property Partner (Mass Transit)-1.2. The West Yorkshire Combined Authority in collaboration with partner councils are developing a mass transit system which will offer a new public transport option and an attractive alternative to car travel. The plan sets out a bold and ambitious plan for a new form of transport for West Yorkshire. Looking beyond district boundaries this vision considers corridors linking communities, employment, and other local and regional assets. The purpose of this commission is to provide land and asso...
West Yorkshire Combined Authority Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date12 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 332.1 K (USD 404.8 K)
Fortinet Proxy Refresh-WYP has awarded a contract via the Hardware Framework
West Yorkshire Combined Authority Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date11 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 332.1 K (USD 404.8 K)
Fortinet Proxy Refresh-WYP have renewed their Fortinet Proxy Software via the Hardware Framework
West Yorkshire Combined Authority Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date10 Apr 2023
Contract AmountNA
High Growth Business Tracker-To procure a data provider that can analyse the business base of West Yorkshire and identify high growth businesses. These businesses will be able to be split by sector and location, as well as any key growth events such as raised external finance or attended an accelerator. Comparisons will be able to be made between West Yorkshire and the rest of the UK to assess differences in the high growth potential business base. Data to be accessible via a web-platform with multiple log-ins to ensure dif...
West Yorkshire Combined Authority Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date6 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 3.9 Million (USD 4.8 Million)
Provision of Water, Wastewater and Ancillary Services-This service is for the provision of water, wastewater and ancillary services to West Yorkshire Police, South Yorkshire Police and Humberside Police. The chosen route to market was the Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) Framework Agreement - Water, Wastewater and Ancillary Services (Ref 1008). Call-off contracts were issued for each force.
West Yorkshire Combined Authority Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date5 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 1.8 Million (USD 2.1 Million)
Provision of Water, Wastewater and Ancillary Services-This service is for the provision of water, wastewater and ancillary services to West Yorkshire Police, South Yorkshire Police and Humberside Police. The chosen route to market was the Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) Framework Agreement - Water, Wastewater and Ancillary Services (Ref 1008). Call-off contracts were issued for each force.
West Yorkshire Combined Authority Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date3 Apr 2023
Contract AmountGBP 480 K (USD 584.9 K)
West Yorkshire Transport and Active Mode Count-The Combined Authority is seeking to commission a Transport and Active Modes (TAM) Count programme expanded from the current Leeds based approach to the West Yorkshire region covering the districts of Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield. This means that the client would become the Combined Authority working in partnership with district representatives, including taking responsibility for Leeds's existing data collection.
191-200 of 306 active Tender Results